Thursday, March 9, 2023

Our Great-Great-Great-Great-Great- Grandmother, Ourselves



I believe we carry the ancient DNA of First Woman within our body.  We carry her DNA, her thoughts, her emotions and spirit.  If we tap into that knowledge, we carry great wisdom.   Mitochondrial is genetic material and follows up the female line to a most recent common ancestor.  We all, every single human, can trace ourselves back to what they call Mitochondrial Eve, who lived 200,000 years ago.  We belong in that genetic chain. Eve is used to signify that our DNA goes back to a group of women who are the mothers of all human beings.  Every female carries this gene and passes it down to daughters.  It is also interesting that this DNA connection originated in Ethiopia or Kenya. Isn’t that so interesting? 

And, what is more interesting is that they found a little girl in a cave they are calling the Denisova Cave.  They labeled this child as “Denisova11”.  They did the testing and found that she was 50,000 years old.  When they did all the DNA analysis, including comparing her with known Neanderthal, and modern human DNA, found that she was both Neanderthal and Denison.  Her mother was the Neanderthal and her father was Denisovan.  Our maternal mitochondria is traced back to her. 

Imagine if we tapped into the wisdom we carry.  Women, all females, carry this and we know that when we are genetically related, we can see how we have body, mind, emotion, and spiritual commonalities with our closest relatives. For instance, I was found by my maternal and paternal families in the last few years.  Meeting my maternal siblings (11 of them) was mind-blowing.  You can tell we are related.  We look similar.  We tend to have common beliefs and ways of thinking of things.  My full brother and I are extremely sensitive to medications and we both had milk allergies).  We even have similar food preferences.  We have the same sense of humor.  We are all rock collectors.  We are all emotionally alike and have had similar emotional experiences.  We tend to have similar spiritual beliefs and thoughts about spiritual things.  Even our gestures are alike.  When my maternal family first found me and we met that fist time, someone was sitting in the crowd of siblings and an in-law said, “Oh the way you gestured is so Myrtle (mother).”  My youngest sister and I look very similar and we are both “hand” talkers in that we gesture with our hands as part of our language.  I was spiritually drawn to them the moment we met.  In fact, one younger brother (I am child #5) surprised me at the airport.  None of us had any idea he was there.  I had reached down to grab my suitcase, turned around, and about 50 feet from me was a man.  My soul absolutely knew him.  My heart had swooped with every meeting except for one of the brothers ( the one 14 months younger than I).  It is a physical swoop.  My thrill at meeting all my siblings and my birth mother was more than physical.  I can only explain it as a heart swoop or a spiritual swoop.  I felt that in a big way as I turned around and saw him.  I did not know this man at all but my instance response was to rush forward, arms open, saying “I would know you anywhere!”  I had no qualms about it being a total stranger.  My soul knew this younger brother I had never met.  I had always believed, my whole life, that I would know relatives if I saw them.  I spent my whole life being an “eye” watcher in crowds.  I never felt that swoop any time but in meeting each of my siblings.    

As well, connection knowing was proven to me earlier, when my middle daughter was in Grade four art class.  When she was given to me by her grandmother, to raise, she gave me a brown package that held the blanket she was wrapped in when she was given her traditional name in a Blackfoot ceremony.  She unwrapped it and showed me and quickly wrapped it back up in the paper covering and wrapped it up into a tight bundle.  She told me never to unwrap it until Lainee had her fist child.  It should be wrapped around her baby when she was given her Blackfoot name.  The pattern on the blanket was of a Blackfoot pattern.  The pattern was a Navajo design. I was never to show her until her daughter was born.  She comes from a strong Medicine women line, and, in fact, she carries the one larger ear that has followed down the matrilineal line.   One day, home from school, Lainee showed me her painting.  The whole page was the EXACT Navajo pattern in the exact colors.  She had never seen that blanket. It was still bundled up exactly as her grandmother had bundled it.  How could she ever know? 

I totally believe in inherited knowledge. These are only two personal experiences with The Knowing, out of many.  It is fascinating to me.  Imagine the many commonalities you have to your maternal line.   I have added a couple of links, if you are interested.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.9.23


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