Tuesday, March 21, 2023

World Day for Inner Peace: Art As A Vehicle For Reparenting Ourselves



"If you don't know who you are, anyone can name you."~Michael Mead

The New Moon is in Aries and the abiding question we may feel is “Who Am I?  Really, who do we think we are?  Do we base our knowledge of self on the voice of others?  Are we letting others name us?  Doing art of any kind is a way to discover/rediscover who we are.  We change.  We are not who we were a year ago, let alone a few moments ago.  When we do art, we drop our boundaries and move into imagination, inspiration, and we know things at a different level of consciousness.  Art gives us peace, calm, solace, compassion and I believe, when we are in the midst of creating, we are reparenting ourselves. 

When we move into the act of creating, we are moving into a place of pleasure, of calmness that moves us out of time and space and lands us directly in a Present Moment.  It is a stress-free space.  It is a space of breathing and using all our sense in focus towards what we are creating.  A by-product is that we are thinking in an alternate way about ourselves, about others, about, what it is we are creating.  There is a clarity amidst timelessness.  It is there that stress and anxieties are sloughed off. 

‘Arting’ is a form of meditation, of prayer, of soul work.  Inner peace is found there.  It is a place of exploration and experimentation in a form that relaxes us, soothes us, heals us.    There is a quiet joy found in the process.  For a few moments, or an hour, we get away from fear of judgment and failure.  It is there we define ourselves in color, in shape, in medium, on canvas.  Every piece I do, whether in art journal or canvas, or wood, or stone, is a statement about my deepest self.  It is soul speak. 

Arting is connecting with our authentic emotions, our most sacred truths, our deepest thoughts.  Every time we put pencil or tool to substrate, we are beginning another journey into our deepest Self.  It brings insights.  It cause epiphanies, it allows for self-acceptance, and there is compassion.  Every inner child is accessed when we move into the creative space.  It is there we heal ourselves which is a great deal more than any outside healing that can happen.  It is truly soul work. 

I wish you find that space.  I wish you drop your boundaries and fall into love’s space where your tenderest heart and soul abide. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.21, 23



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