Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Red Cedar Tree



 ‘Kayas’ (a long long time ago) when all things could talk to each other, there was a good man who always went out to help all people with things they needed.  He especially helped the elderly in his tribe.  He hunted for those who could not hunt for themselves.  He took in orphans.  He was a man of many many good deeds.   And he was deeply humble.  He brought much laughter to all the peoples.  Of course, Creator took notice. 

When the man became old and his hair turned white, Creator knew he had to do something for this man who helped Creator take care of all the peoples.  He knew he must save this man who had helped him and he thought and thought of a way to have him live forever to forever help.

Creator turned this good man into a red cedar tree.  A red cedar tree would stay green all year round and could be gathered and dried.  He made it so the people would know to burn cedar for ceremonies and rituals and they could pray with it.  He wanted the smudge made from the bark to be aromatic and calming. 

The red cedar became one of the four sacred medicines (sage, sweetgrass, tobacco) and we can use these in our everyday life or in ceremony. 

Creator made the red cedar so it all could be used:  smudging, shelters, clothing, furniture, canoes, coffins, boxes, masks and totem poles for family histories.  It became known as The Tree of Life because the people so depended on it to survive. 

We use it all today for the same purposes.  We use it to pray with because the smoke easily finds its way up to creator.  We use it for healing, for protection.  The Salish honor the cedar tree before ever cutting it down with special ceremonies.  Anywhere, any culture, where cedar trees grown, the people used it for sacred temples and for purification. 

Red cedar smudge gives us calmness, helps with stress and anxiety, helps us sleep, helps us rise from sorrow or sadness, and stops our feelings of aggressiveness.  It purifies the air in a home.  It can suck away pains in bones and muscles.  It can stop flus and colds in a home.  It can be added to air, water, as medicine. 

For his goodness, it is said that wherever a good human being is put in a grave, a red cedar will rise and help people. 

I want to be a Red Cedar Tree.  What a blessing to the world.

©Carol Desjarlais


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