Saturday, March 25, 2023

More Than A Number



Taurus moves into Gemini’s air sign where we are wont to muddle and analyze everything.  Taurus will give you pause as you do.  Financial worries abound for all of us.  Wanting to trust people is huge.  We all have reason enough not to trust, but we also have great need to connect with others at a deep emotional and spiritual way.  Your thoughts may lead you to understand that some people are not worthy of you and your care and attention because they do not give back in kind.  This will. then, lead you to understand you may not have been there for others who needed you too.  Time to change things up. 

You have need to heal and be healed.  You long and perhaps did not realize it was your soul that was longing.  Perhaps you tried to fill that longing people, places an things, but it just does not cut it any more.  You want more.  You deserve more.    Dig in and find out what you do not need, did not need, will not need – this includes people, places and things.  Then carefully, thoughtfully, begin to rebuild the kind of life you always knew you should have.  This does not mean pull up stakes and give up on everything.  No…  it means to close yourself off to those who do not make time for you, to listen to you, to cheerlead you.  You know who is there for you.  Cultivate that relationship.  Choose to be around those who build you up and you build them up in return.  Sometimes we can have too much of what we thought was a good thing… we need few.. we need a few good people around us. 

 I wish you, during this Taurus Gemini Moon, to now fill your time and effort on those who count.. on those you can count on and who count on you.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.25.23


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