Friday, March 10, 2023

Scorpio Curiosity




“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity – Eleanor Roosevelt

Surround yourself with purples and the scent of cypress.  Today you will be influenced to new interests, new reasons to know the WHY of things.  We mature as we find out how things work, how to work things, and things to know more about.  Do not let the sense of wonder evaporate... go with it, today.  Be intuitive and let it wander its way through your day. 

Doing art is definitely working with curiosity.  Find what you are what is most interesting to you, what you feel most drawn to and what feels easiest to express.  What do you, creatively, is what should give you Joy, helps you become more sensitive to things outside self, and what builds tolerance for stress.   Life should be all about wonder and how to make wonder apply in what you do to express that wonder.   It is comfortable to do what feels certain…but we are more alive when we find things are not certain and we can manipulate that through art.  Oh, ever the need for epiphany, for more things to be curious about. 

Today, let surprise be something that drives you out of comfort zones and to really experience and experiment with creativity in your life. 

Write curiosity in big letters on a sheet of paper and put it where you will see it throughout the day.  You go, girlfriends. 

©Carol Desjarlais 3.10.23

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