Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Wolf Moon Mointh




This is such a difficult time and as time goes on and on, and on, it gets more difficult.  There is a darkness that settled on Mother Earth.  This is World War three against an invisible foe.  We need the re-energized vibrations of this new moon to help see us through. 

We are craving the interpersonal communication, the loving embrace, the bold determination to see through what we must, without conspiracy theories.  It is adamant now that we stay in the Present:  the moment is here and it is all we can count on. 

Imbolc comes with longer daylight, with warming sun.  We have no choice but to evolve.  We are learning to be patient, to be accepting, to finally surrender to that ALL that is in charge…that will be done!

This moon month, create like there are no boundaries.    Do not let your Evil Inner Witch tell you it is not right or enough.  Do not let others who you share your work with (and you should share it) put your wild abandoned art down.  Your passion is needed now more than ever.  Your artistic voice is powerful.  Use it. 

A full wolf moon, also known as "great spirit moon" and "old moon" came in the night sky on Jan 28th, 2021.

Any intentions you may have been holding on to since the new moon can be released into the universe to manifest into eternity and it is also a good time to let your hair down as anxiety and tensions can run high.

Named by the Anglo Saxons, this moon is named after the howling wolves during sharp winter nights of January’s full moon.  Wolves delight in full moons as they feel the lunar pull and push.  They have long been associated with the moon.  I am sure you know the analogy of the two wolves within where it speaks to one wolf being the wild ferocious wolf and the other being the loyal loving wolf and it depending on which wolf you feed. This song speaks to this analogy ad well.)

Let us know what and how to release, to let go of, to surrender.  Give us the strength to be and let be until we get through these dark months.  This month is the month to release.  Let us go out into the hills and howl our needs we have to help sustain us.  Let us go into the crags of our heart and know what we need to release and howl, if we must, but let your needs be known to the Universe.  Let the comfort ease into your soul and feel strength come that is emptied by the knowing what it is you truly need.  This is t the time of rebellion.  This, indeed, is a time of survival for a bit longer, a while longer, a good time longer.  Whatever time it is, we need the strength, all the strength we need to have, to find and keep balance needed.

Blessed Be!

©Carol Desjarlais 2.2.21


***Inspired by Next JENeration Art and Jenny Manno



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