Sunday, February 7, 2021

Hawk Medicine




There has been a hawk, or maybe two, ‘skreeing’ in the tall juniper pines at the edge of our property.    I know them as messengers.  I have not deciphered the message.  Not every day is there a hawk in my immediate environment.  If a hawk comes to your attention, (whether in dream or in reality) there is meaning to it.  Such things are medicine. 

The messages of a surprising visit of a hawk can depend on the type of hawk, for instance, a red-tailed hawk has medicine to do with electricity, with fire, with things like nuclear medicine, and, of course, much more, but the theme of the medicine is more explicit.  I did not see the hawks, simply heard them.

Hawk medicine, as a whole, is all about ability to fly, reaching, and intuition.  It reminds us to focus, so as not to miss the small details.  During this time, take lead, when required to do so.  Don’t question, simply know there are times to follow and times to lead and you will be called to lead at this time.  The time of Hawk Medicine we have clearer vision about something than others might.  We are called to pay attention to our own spiritual awareness.  There are many ways to know something; at this time, your spiritual awareness is increased and it will not be all about self.  It will be about something, someone, some place, other than you. 

I try to be outside often throughout the day, and, of course, night.  I am grateful to have a patio tucked out of sight of neighbors and I am often out eye-surfing the night skies, and watching for signs of spring coming.  There are some, visually apparent, like the sage plant starting to shoot up life into sprigs that have risen above the rim of last fall’s stems.  The pansies and other patio plants are showing signs of small green bits as the snow leaves the pots.  It has been a bit of peace in a world cramped inside with restrictions.  It is a place of details that one would not notice, typically, in an old hustle bustle of life pre-covid.  Usually, life keeps us to busy to notice small details but this is a time when we can see obstacles (even in our own life, perchance, if you need that medicine , even though focus is not usually about Self) .  It allows for less distraction and your sense of intuition can be heightened because of the quiet. 

Hawk medicine is all about heightened attention and heightened intuition.  There is magic afloat, like the small green leaves braving the not-quite-spring.  What are you noticing today, take note today, of what is springing into flight in life.

©Carol Desjarlais 07.2.21

A half hour presentation:


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