Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Who Is The Puppeteer?




So often it feels like we are merely puppets being manipulated by someone/something every moment of every day.  Are we merely some puppet that some great puppeteer is managing?  Are we being put into situations just to entertain some great Giuseppe?  Sometimes, when things pile up, situations that have common patterns in our life, or when it is just one danged thing after another, it feels so. 

Sometimes life feels like a beautiful dance and sometimes life seems like a run through fog on a dark and stormy night.  Sometimes life is being on the same stage, over and over, as we repeat patterns in our life.  Are we slaves to our emotions?  Do we, incorrectly, feel that we are in charge and think we are The Puppeteer?  Do we have a \puppeteer that causes us to be emotionally triggered?

Being a ‘Pleaser ‘can mean that you let others control you.  Many gladly be that kind of Puppeteer, but you ‘allow’ them to be it.  Some of us live for Praise or Shame to control us.  Someone praises us and we dance.  Someone criticizes us and we fall loose on our emotional strings.  I was conditioned to be a people pleaser and to be emotionally tied to what others thought of me:  Oh, what will others think?’, said the mother always.  Do you struggle with the vacuum of past woundings and cannot seem to walk your life in the Present?  Do were allow the past to be our puppeteer?  There are those who willingly give up walking their own walk and want others to make their decisions, to be in charge of their emotions; those needy ‘sap-sucking people’ in our lives.  How can we dance the dance if we are allowing others to drain us?

Who yanks on your strings, what do you allow to control your strings, how do you allow yourself to be a mere puppet?  Taking charge of your OWN SELF, living your authentic life, being responsible for Self, are all ways to live a stringless life.  I wish us all to be who we are, be who we are meant to be, sand cut the strings that hold us to old patterns that keep us dancing to someone else’s whimsical ideology of how we should be, what we should do, and who we should be.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.24.21

This art journal page was all about being the puppet and my first serious attempt at symbolic collage.  I am considering doing collage later this spring, for a month.


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