Monday, February 8, 2021

Eeyorism: Resileince




A person needs certain coping skills to be able to thrive.  We have to be able to cope with resilience because life will hand you tough times over and over and over again.  We will stand alone in dark long nights.  We will stand alone in pain.  We will stand alone being criticized (this is a big one for me).  We will stand alone in our own failures.  Resilience means we are not ones to easily give up.  It is way too easy to give up.  We will end up with a sense of victimhood and if that happens, our life will be all the more miserable.  Not trying is giving up.  To decide you will always fail, because you failed once, you will forever fail.  (How many people do you know that have one bad relationship and are fearful, yes, too fearful, to try again?  No one else can help you with your resolve.  If we do not have it, then best we cultivate it.


When we are grounded in victimhood mentality, we believe we cannot change, Eeyore complex. (Eeyore is the donkey character in a melancholy, sad character, who sees himself as helpless victim of everything.  He keeps himself from living a spontaneous life, a joyful life of Pooh because misery is his favorite company.  We have met Eeyore people.  Perhaps we have been Eeyore for a time, ourselves.  We love our conflicted sad life too much to see the best of things around us.  We can become boring to others and they move on to people, places and things that make them feel happy, Eeyores do not.


Without resilience, we tend to fall into the blaming everyone, everything, every place, for our misery and refuse to take the responsibility for our own life.  When you are a rotting fruit in a bushel of fruit, your very negativity can, eventually, wear the heathy around you down until they sit in your puddle of muddle with you.  You get hard to be around.  We are meant to thrive and learn and grown from negative experiences, not sink into a life with no resilience.


We know what makers us strong, and sometimes we get fooled by our EIW\critical inner voice/lizard brain that all is lost so we do not even try anymore to thrive.  Be a thriver.  Stop the moment your Eeyore steps in and refuse to walk that long sad journey.  Resilience attracts resilience.  Practicing resilience when a tough spot shows up, shows you are at east trying and you learn, with every need for resilience and finding it, you learn.


Learn it sisterfriend.  This is a great time for self-introspection.  Root out your resilience.


©Carol Desjarlais 8.2.21




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