Friday, February 19, 2021

Artist Trading Cards




ATC cards, Empowerment cards, Inspirational Cards, Tarot cards;  by whatever name you call them, there has definitely been a resurgence in using, making, little cards to inspire us, daily.  Especially now, we could all use some little prompts to help us get through restrictions and sorrows and anxiety that begins at first waking eyeblink.

ATCs.  A quick tutorial here:   


ATC cards are never meant to be sold.  They are Artist Trading Cards, a way to share art with fellow artists who also make cards.


There re many groups, just on Facebook, that make and share ATCs within groups.  If anyone of this group would like to make and sharre ATCs, and have an old deck of playing cards, let me know because I am in a group that trades and I can even set up a ATC group within the Goddess site.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.19.21


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