Wednesday, February 17, 2021

In the Beginning There Was Woman




Perhaps, because I was a motherless child for months after being born, that Primal Wound is what drives me to know The Divine Feminine.  I have long sought a ‘predominant knowing’ of the divine Mother in my life, as part of my spirituality; a sense that there is a loving mother, to balance the demanding Masculine, as I understand it.   The divine Feminine, to me, is community, is compassionate, is creation, is intuition, is nurturing, is heart, is soul, is manifestation of all I can aspire to, believe in, follow and be led by.  She is All-loving.  To me, she is the motherly intermediate between me and my Creator.  She is wisdom, she is part of my very DNA that carries inherited memories.  Yes, she is the Feminine that reigns over the struggles, the joys, the care and conditioning of my soul.  She is Mother Earth, magical, adventurous, beauty of hills and gullies, mountains and plains.  She is rivers and blue mountain lakes of eyes.  She is breast and belly of Mother Earth. 

She is the Mother with first spring flowers in her hair.  She is the dancer of summer with ribbons of color flying behind her.  She is the russet and browns and oranges of her adulthood.  She is the white buffalo of winter and the vessel of knowledge in her closeness to returning to Creator.

As we lose the connection of the Divine Mother in our lives, we lose the very essence of all we were, are meant to be, and will be:  divine beings, a part of the divinity of all creation.  She is the positive energy that calls things to grown, to transmute, to gather in and harvest all the bounties of living down here on earth.  She is our safe harbor in times of storms.  She is our wing to crawl under when there is danger or we are fearful. 


She is our knowing without knowing how we know.  She resides under the breastbone of all sisters.  Yes, she is that still small voice of intuition. It is how she guides, teaches, heals us; this still small voice that we feel, we har, we sense.   She is the urgency we feel when we can do aught but follow where she leads.  She is the moments of epiphanies. 

She is the ceremony and ritual of womanhood in all three aspects; the Maiden, the Mother, The Crone.  She is that space we go to where there is no time or space and we are lost in creation.  She is the drive behind our heartfelt intentions.  She is the bridge between here and there where once we resided and forfeited in order to come down here on earth and have our feminine body.  She is ancient and we have part of that ancient connection to her within us.  She resides in our most sacred space within. 

She is accessed through our ancient limbic system where reactive actions form and begin to take place.  She is how we heal body, mind, heart and soul.  She is that sudden feeling of divine love that washes over us when we least except it.  She is the awe we experience but a few times in our life, in these days.  She is that feeling of reverence that comes in still moments.  She is our inspiration and creative juice that runs through us until we put pen or paint to paper. 

I am grateful for the knowledge that she resides within, above, around and below.  We all have access to these things that are beyond Ego, beyond body, mind heart and soul.  May you feel the Akashic Force, her Divine Love and Grace that is The All and Everywhere.

©Carol Desjarlais 17.2.21



This is a 20 minute prayer to Divine Mother.  



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