Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Not A Birthday Birthday




February 10th and I have made it through another auspicious time in my life without chaos or ill health.  This is rare.  I have a sense that we have cyclical times when things can go awry or a-well.  Today is what we celebrated as my not-a-birthday;  the day of my adoption.  I am wondering if it has something to do with Karma, that I know to be extra alert from January 28 – February 10 every year.  Something negative or positive, of an auspicious nature always seems to happen during this time for me, year after year.

They say that karmic activity in one’s life does not just include this lifetime.  They say it carries over lifetime after lifetime.  It also is said that karmic activity takes place very 40 minutes, according to sages, and this means, we have the opportunity to break the cycle every 40 minutes.  I mean to look more into this.  I could use some karmic breakage during this time every year.  It depends on how alert you are to your own patterns and challenges, I think.  We have all heard, I think, about the seven-year cycle.  So, if the karmic cycle happens more often, we have a chance, in this lifetime to change things.  That would make sense to me. 

 There is something to Covid that has us stop looking towards the future as much.  We know that outcomes are uncertain and so we tend to be staying in the Present more.  This change in Self is huge because others are having to change to meet your changes.  The more we change, the more others around us change.  But this is a good thing, as well, as we have the opportunity to make our world a better place. 

We are captain of our own ships at times like this.  This might be a once in a lifetime when we have the lack of distractions and the time ( oh, the time and the boredom that can set in if we do not spend time working on self and interests that keep us evolving).  Now is the time you can truly learn to love yourself.  Not just materialistic Self, but physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual self.  Spend this rare time to do work on self.  Break some of your habits.  Figure out your cycles and break out of some of those.  Strengthen your positives, root out and rid yourself of your negatives.  This is not going to last much longer – these restrictions are starting to loosen.  When the restrictions loosen, decide who it is you want to be around, think of what kinds of things you will choose to do.  Do not fall back into the old ruts.  Hopefully we will learn to live more consciously, more spiritually (for that is one area so many of us fail in) and develop coping skills for the future.  This Covid thing will end, but there will be other times, I fear, that we may find ourselves in danger, in crises, in a place of global vulnerability.  Learning to deepen our physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual resilience, the better we will be ready for anything that comes.  Learn to live lovingly and sensibly, and learn to find and know joyfulness and peace when it comes. 

©Carol Desjarlais 10.2.21

P.S.   I had the most wonderful upbringing by good good people.  ( into a family of eleven siblings and then a younger bother was born a year and a half after I was born, as so often happened).  I was greatly loved and I loved greatly in return.  

 In 2007, my maternal birth family found me.  I met my birth mother, who was a beautiful elderly woman, who was so pleased tat I had not died as she had been told.  I have twelve siblings, eleven still alive and they are all wonderful.  Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone.  Most of us are very sibling-close.  I adore some of them, dearly.  I adore my one full brother and his family.  Our mother’s story is such a sad one.  My sibling’s stories would break your heart.  I would not have survived if I had not been given away. We spent her 90th birthday and my 60th together.


Last spring, my paternal family found me.  Our father passed when I was four.  We have a letter from him saying he was coming to take me away from my mother.  The letter is the reason mother gave me away to hide me from him.  To see his handwriting and read the letter was amazing.  Our four paternal siblings were long passed.  We were his late in life babies, my brother and I.  But we have dozens of cousins and the stories of the family’s coming from Norway, are stories of incredible strength and courage.  I am close to five of the first cousins.  There are many more to meet once covid is over.  


My life has been an adventure and full of serendipity.


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