Thursday, February 11, 2021

Hawk Medicine




There has been a hawk, or maybe two, skreeing in the tall juniper pines at the edge of our property.    I know them as messengers.  I have not deciphered the message. 

Hawks of every kind, like all birds, are Messengers.  Hawk reminds us to focus intently before making a decision.  Bird Medicine is really strong and it will cause you to contemplate being a leader when the time is right and a leader is needed.  Bird Medicine is all about a higher realm of seeing, knowing, spiritual awareness.  When a Hawk comes to visit, in any place, know you are being called to pay detailed attention.  Spiritual Seeing is the height of seeing.  Hawk’s skreeing demands attention.  Something in one’s body pays attention to the skreeing.  You become in tune with the listening and it is more of a spiritual hearing.

To be receptive to the message means to bring back the memory of the sounds the feelings, and you will experience a reason for focus and spiritual knowing.     Be extra attentive to receiving the message, to hearing, to knowing, to feeling it all in a spiritual way.

Some may call it intuition.  It is just that.  Allow you intuitive sense to decipher the message.

The message finally came to me in the form of losing so many in our family and friends.  I needed to be of comfort and say the right things to give a hopeless situation some form of hope. 

If a hawk comes to visit, be blessed in the knowing, the insight, the spirit of its visit.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.2.21


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