Monday, February 1, 2021




The celebration of Imbolc begins and the calling to Brigid.  I have blogged about starting to integrate some ceremony into our lives in order to edify our spirit/soul.

And so the celebration begins.  Imbolc is all about cleansing and the fecundity of all things.  We are half way between winter and spring equinox.  It is time for cheer, for hope, for finding a way to be energized.  Here are some ideas.


Today, start thinking about baking something to do with Imbolc; oaten cakes, poppyseed cakes, cabbage and potato casseroles, making yogurt, custards, honey desserts, etc., and lots of almond or vanilla spice. 


Consider making a Blessing Doll made of any material.  I made mine of soft clay.  While poppets can be used negatively, we DO NOT want anything of the kind.  Our poppits should be Blessing Doll.  I have made one that represents my need to send blessings to people who are in need.  I will focus on it when I am sending our love and light to someone.


 There is a great deal of joy in making a central area for the seasons, for celebrations, for you to meditate upon, or just to add positivity to a space you are near often.  The colors of spring should be prominent. 

 Lots of flowers and candles.  I have made a seven-candle decoration where I thought of an intention of something I wish to rid myself of or gain as I place tiny candle in the bird seed I am using to represent my giving in return (in this case, the birds, who are messengers, in many traditions).   I have several altar-type places in my house.  I have one in the dining area and one above my desk where I spend a great deal of time.   


But, then, I have my stone altars and outside altars as well.  You can call it whatever you choose.  I call mine altars.  I have some kind of candle or smudge in each area of my house, as well, to represent the lengthening days as more sunlight lasts longer and longer.


I put the stones that correlate to Imbolc in one area.  I have used moss agate, kyanite, chrysocolla, amethyst, garnet, peridot, rose quartz that I have gathered over the years by myself.


Hang a white ribbon outside your home, for Brigid.  A gift to the goddess.  A blessing request of sorts.  


Start a seedling.  I have started my moringa seed.  The last one left from Yuma.  The others did not make it.  I am hoping this one does.  It is a spring ritual I have done for some years.  

I know that beginning ceremonies of my very own have always been a good thing for me, spiritually.  And, during this time, we are more stressed than ever.  Somehow, finding something to build up resilience and energy can only make us feel happier, balanced and alive.

There are many resources you can research to make this celebration of near-spring/change of seasons feel better.  I hope you try one or two.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.2.21



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