Monday, November 25, 2019

With Or With Out Us

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." Charles Darwin

Most times we can live our lives without getting too involved in the world chaos.  But, to evolve, we need to be able to adjust to changes, both good and not good, and do it with a tender heart.  Everything, every one, every place deserves our tenderness.
Like a baby that is driven to rise from its knees to walk, or a child that is driven to complete a task of fitting square pegs into square holes, or a child who is determined to have that which might be withheld, we are driven to change.  We all know how strong our desires can be and how we all reached those desires.  When we wanted something, of worth, we figured out how reach it.  We did not give up easily, nor sit in a muddle of a puddle.  We got out there and we achieved what it was we set our mind too.  

For most of us, we loved, and because we loved, we made ourselves more lovable.  We were compassionate because we were shown compassion.  We gave because we knew the blessings of receiving.  We knew the peace and meditation and prayer of creating and so, however we decided to focus creation, we created. We went out into the world and gave service, no matter how small a thing, we knew how it made us feel to do something with no agenda.  We did not spend our time concentrating on the negatives and found ways to imbibe on the positives.  We knew nature was edifying and we feasted there.  We learned what, exactly, joy was for ourselves, and we sought it.  We loved, we lost, we meant to do no harm, and thus we experienced what we gave out.  We learned sense of honor, of duty, and of responsibility for Mother Earth and her inhabitants and though we often failed, we succeeded in our own flawed, simple ways. When we learned what was of worth to our souls, we kept it.  We flung off the things that were not;  yes people, places and things. We learned when to be bowed down and when to stand tall.  We tried.  It can be said, we tried.   We were tenderized and tender, even trying to be so, with ourselves. We were mostly worthy. 

We did things we did not have the energy, the time, the patience for.  We dealt with our personal stressors.  We dealt with our positive and negative memories.  We walked away from those we needed too.  We allowed those, who needed too, to walk away from us.  We walked even though we were exhausted and thought we could not make another step.. but we found strength from somewhere and we journeyed on.  We did things in sickness and in health that would have taken down a mammoth.  We journeyed on even though we were frustrated and worn thin and ready to rocket off.  We found time for people, places and things we should have and should not have.  We fought off anxiety, guilt, sorrow, shame, and low sense of self.  We, apparently, did it all because we are still here.

We are still here waving the banner of "I Am Enough!"  We are still here evolving and creating and being devoted and deliberate in our being enough.  We were conscious.  We have been so uptight a breeze would have us twang.  We have been so relaxed in situations that would have bent others, that we gained some spine for when our own things got difficult.  We have been attracted and distracted.  We moved with a sense of purpose even though we did not know what our purpose was.  We have had miracles in our lives.  We have been miracles.  

We are ones that life cannot rub raw enough to have us quit.  We want a better life, always, and we seek that.  We know that any change in the world has to begin with us, within us.  Bless us that we can bear to continue as the world causes more chaos than we have ever seen or felt before.  Bless me.  Bless you! Bless this chaotic world we live in!

©Carol Desjarlais 11.25.19

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