Friday, November 8, 2019

Achelois - Minor Goddess of Tenderness

“Everything tender and melancholy - as life is sometimes, just for one moment.”
Jean Rhys, Good Morning, Midnight

There was a Greek Goddess, a minor Greek Goddess, called Achelois, who is associated to the moon and the moon's cycles.  Her very name means, "she who washes away pain".  She was known as comforter and healer and giving sacrifices to her would bade her come in tender mercies to heal.  

Hanging wind chimes can call her, she comes in Fall and dances with the leaves, and she loves bronze.  

She inspires poetry, knows much about the sciences and was often found healing through the arts.  She is often found near water and her family are the sirens and water nymphs.

Now is the time to call on the goddess who soothes us tenderly.

Challenge:  Can you do a page that expresses what you think a goddess of tender healing  might look like?

©Carol Desjarlais 11.9.19

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea!! I believe almost every face I create can be a goddess,... But... a goddess of tender healing? I don't know how such a face would look, but you gave me an idea �� thank you so much! Found you on FB group!
