Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tender Is The Night

“Losing a grasp in reality or being misunderstood, being lonely always rises from isolation, dark, and frightening nights. They are scary and full of deep loneliness. The thing is, it becomes so hard to survive the night lying in the bed awake and serving the up-time like a nice warm glass of regret.”Rabin Paudel

Being able to sleep, peacefully, is a way to flush the day off your mind.  But, sometimes, the moment you lie down, the Ego decides to do reruns of your past and haunt you with how you are not Good Enough!  There is no way to recoup the lost sleep nor to calm the negative thoughts of the night and you wake feeling like the past was just the present. I so resent the Evil Inner Witch (Ego) that decides I need to suffer some stuff over and over again.  Getting up is my only solace and way to shut her up.  I can do a bit of art, and refuse to lie there taking an Ego-beating.  Those of us who have run in stress-mode most of our life have many unwanted replays to work through and work that Ego does.  Most of the night-thoughts are unwanted and do not even make sense, but Ego decides to make you suffer and we either allow it or not.  I refuse to go into 'wouldda, coulda, shoulda, because absolutely nothing positive is gained from it all.  It was what it was and we are who we are now.

When we fight the nighttime thoughts, we strengthen them.  Usually these thoughts are things you did not act on (regrets, in some weird way). They hold no power you do not give to them.  They are not dire warnings, they are not hidden messages, they are not worthy of your time or loss of sleep.  You think them because you choose to think them.  Not stopping the negative thoughts is a choice.  They show up, shimmer, disturb, and, if you do not give them power by allowing it to continue, they fade off in the fog of sleep.  Again, obsessing over the night thoughts, is simply you allowing them power over you.  It is mind junk.  It is your mind trying to get rid of unimportant things.  Get up, do something, change the string of thoughts by reading, do anything that breaks the stream of thoughts.  Do not let Ego, Evil Inner Witch, whatever is streaming these thoughts, take over your need for rest.  Be tender with your night times.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.21.19

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