Monday, November 18, 2019

Hungry Wolf

“That is, to be ourselves causes us to be exiled by many others, and yet to comply with what others want causes us to be exiled from ourselves.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés,
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype

Trust is a huge deal and we all define and react trust in unique ways.  We either learn to get through issues and trust again, or we refuse too.  We can justify why, and when we do, it is all about past chite and our reactions to it all that makes us resilient or vulnerable to trust.  I know that I have to forgive, and I have forgiven huge things, because I want freedom from the bitterness, from the aching hard feelings that live within the folds of my heart if I do not.  I am one who trusts until a trust is broken and then I simply have to walk away to save myself.  The deeper the cut, the longer it takes to get around it, bury it, and move on and not let that be the basis for every other relationship I have.  Trust and tenderness is an issue we work on forever, pehaps.

There are times when we cannot trust ourselves, and we know it./  We slip back into old ways of reacting and acting and the more times we find ourselves in the same old, same old, the harder it is to forgive ourselves for our part in it like a scripted actor.  We spend a great deal of time trying to justify until we realize, we cannot.  We have to admit our flaw and then work like heck to forgive ourselves for it and change.  Saying we cannot, or do not have to, is mere justification so that we can continue on with the drama and the chaos that not changing can bring.  Somehow we have to learn that the world is not all about us, and that we are all about the world.  No trust means that we, ourselves, are not trustworthy for ourselves. 
Once you start on the road to self-forgiveness and rebuilding trust with self, you will fight many battles with your Ego.  You will feel fear because Ego wishes us to feel vulnerable.  It will tell you you are too weak, too stubborn, and/or too angry to change.  If you walk away from a chance to forgive yourself, it will burrow deeper into your soul.  Sometimes I am too bullheaded and want to hang on to things I should not.  Bullheadedness is not sacredness by any means.  It is Ego-driven.  Again, only if we learn to trust ourselves do we know, and automatically do, trust others.  It is ourselves we are afraid of, no one else.  

After a feeling of being hurt in some way, we need to take some time to really study ourselves.  What in us caused it?  There can never be a full answer.  One has to weigh whether they can trust themselves again, and what it is going to take to do so.  It is deep internal work.  We know we all have flaws.  We need to worry about our own.  fear and/or anger will keep us from ever trusting again.  For a time, we may need to withdraw and however frustrating, get our heads and hearts clear.

All of us have issues...all of us.  The good wolf, the bad wolf...'depends on which one we feed'.... and we all have issues, I think, to work on.  I would never be emotionally distant.  That is not me.  But, one must always be willing to look at their own flight or fight issues.  What triggers it?  Can we consider ourselves tender when there is the hungry wolf inside us?

©Carol Desjarlais 11.18.19

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