Monday, December 13, 2021

The True You




We are not who others think we are, say we are, wish we were.  Do not put your faith in who you are on anyone else.  No judgement. Show your inner beauty.  Recognize how you feel about yourself.  Stand and look in a mirror and see your true self reflected there.  See your soul.  See the eternal you.  Hold space for future growth.  Others are reflectors, not truths.  Take back the power of your own story.  Reflect only your truths. 

 I wrote my story, then published it, in 2007.  Those who read it, loved it or found fault with it.  They felt it reflected my soul, as I hoped.  Or... they felt like I did not paint certain people in nice terms.  The book is my truths.  I need to go back and do some editing and republish the edited version.  But, I refuse to change the gist of it.  It was one of the most awakening things I have ever done.  I wrote a lot of "I forgive you, I love you, I forgive msyelf, I love msyelf."   Even now, I reread a bit of it and it brings my truths right up front and center.  I have had my say.  There are more stories from 2007 until today and there should be another book, but I cvannot do it.  I cannotdo it because of family politics after being found.  I cannot do it because my truths do not matter to others and it might hurt who I care deeply for.  A story can change in a moment, as is exposed in the last few pages of the book.  Being "found\' is huge.  And then, being found by my paternal family, two years ago,  is huge.  Losing my soulmate in 2015 is huger.  I think one needstime and space before one writes the whole story to finish off a life lived, felt, believed, hope for, and it would be all about sustaining...about rushing through to the end.  My art journaling expressess enough of it.  I wonder, sometimes, what others will say of these last years of mne.  It will not matter because I will not be here to affend or commend.  Today, I will simply live my truths. 

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