Monday, December 20, 2021

In The Now




How many of us have emotional security blanket of people, places, things, that we use to avoid dropping conditioning others have placed on us or conditioning we have made FOR ourselves.  Have we collected some skills, some ways of not dealing with our fears?  Have you thought that those security blankets should have been given up long ago because they belong to fears from long ago?

Find the easy flow of your life without obstructions.  Find the ability to trust… to trust life, people, places, things.  There are so many levels to trust.  The greatest, by far, is the ability to trust oneself.  That is hugee, I find.

Yes, sometimes we need our defenses, our boundaries, our intuition to guard us well.  But, for the most part we have to let go of projected sense of self-protection.  Sometimes that door is slammed too tightly shut.  We miss so much of spontaneous life when we are too guarded.

How many times have we shut out people, places, things and ended up the isolated one?    We wrap up trust up like a well bundled child and keep it from tasting, enjoying, going on the adventure that life can be.   

We have forgotten that that child learns by experimentation, by trying, falling, trying again to walk.  Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to stand up and let go. 

Rely on life. Don’t give up on it.  Yes, when we let go of some, we start to feel empty because we have relied on those skills to protect ourselves.  Just know, that as you free yourself, you can either feel empty or half full…feel half-full and work on emptying more and feeling more of the free life of living in the NOW. 


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