Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Replenish, Restore and Renew




This is the Elder Moon that has traveled far.  She sheds her yesterdays and burgeons forward into a new journey around the sun again.  We are at the gateway to new beginnings.  It is cold.  It is full-on winter.  We are as if an elder Tree with bare branches withstanding the storms.  Our roots go deep and it is that that helps it and us to stand.  The just-full moon is cleansing us.  She reminds us to keep our feet firmly planted and to dream of our new shoots and leaves and growth to happen as soon as spring returns.  Yes, yes, to new beginnings, new ways, doffing our last year’s burdens and to get ready to spring forward into Spring soon. 

I have always loved the moon, no matter what phase.  It is she I turned to at my darkest night and her fullness wrapped around me.  I had no one else to wrap me at that time.  I was a grieving, moaning, woman, alone in that dark night of grief.  I am always a bit disheartened when a cloudy, stormy, night hides her from me.  She renews me.  I shall prepare to be renewed again. 


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