Friday, December 17, 2021





A New Year is upon us; new possibilities, new adventures, new creations, new chances.  We need to simply push through.  Yes, it requires hard work.  Yes, it takes perseverance.  Yes, it might mean suffering and sacrifice, but it is what it is and one foot in front of the other will get us through.  No sense lugging old stuff along with us.  Try to begin each day with a joy and as stepping into a new adventure.  Do not let holiday fatigue wear you down.  We have choices.  Be intentional.  Can we turn our cheek and forgive?  Can we simply be compassionate?  Can we choose nurturing and caring?  Can we let go even more of what we really should?  Can we be generous with ourselves, never mind what we have?  It all starts with a simple thought:  I am going to be ______. 

I am going to be more of me, today.  I am going to practice being forgiving, compassionate, nurturing, caring, releasing, and generous with myself.

  ****Bokeh is defined as the effect of a soft out-of-focus background.


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