Saturday, December 18, 2021




Who owns who?  Do you own a cat or does your cat own you?  No one owns a cat.  (Caveat:  I do not like cats, samiam). And, I have recently admitted, I am a cat.

When a woman is intent on something she is engrossed in, no amount of attention-getting ways are going to drive her from it... it will drive her to snap, to hiss, and even spit. 

Just when you think you might get a full night’s sleep, she will be up before the crack of dawn putting up new curtains, moving things that best be left, banging crashing and cussing and snorting as she does so.  # am is her favorite time of day to get up…not!!! She might be climbing the walls.  And she won’t be friendly, to be sure.

She determines when you can touch her, let alone pet her…and definitely do not pat her or rub her until she does it first.

Look, you all know the drill; she may not seem the boss, but she definitely is.  She scares herself sometimes with knocking things off, with getting in your way (dusting, or mopping, so such) right when you are in the middle of things.  Best to sit very very still and let her have her way.

She, also, talks to herself.  She will suddenly “Oooofff!” and you have no clue why, but she “ooofs” nonetheless.  A single wrong movement and she might freak out, even bite. 

Yes, and sometimes... ok, sometimes, for real, she likes to make you squirm just to see you struggle like she thinks she is. 

And, like any good cat, she will let you take strings of her hair when you head out on your day.  You find her hairballs in the shower.  Yes, you do.  You know it.

Sometimes she likes playing with simple boxes.  You can see her figuring out what she can make of it, how she can play with it.  Do not interrupt.  She will scare you more than you scare her.

She can be indifferent.  She can want to bond but want to do it on her terms.  Do not tease her.  No.  No.  Never do that.  She can leap tall buildings and always land on her feet.  She needs to win sometimes. 

Yes, I am sure |I am a cat.

©Carol Desjarlais 12.18.21


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