Thursday, December 16, 2021





Khione, The Greek Goddess of snow, daughter of North Wind and Winter.  She can be a cold influence with her icy powers.  Her mother, Boreas, was once mortal and Khione was kidnapped and left Khione with life-long coldness and a deeply sense of insecurity and woundedness.    It is her that lies at the seat of your own sense of self during these long winter nights and days.  She will have your vehicle get stuck in a snowdrift.  It is her that will set that one spot of icy ground you slip on.  She is that unplanned forced walk through a blizzard.  She is taking her misery out on us.  Sometimes we take our misery out on others when it is not their fault or reason for her hurt.  She is weakened by fire.  We can be weakened by extreme events that cause us extreme stress.  Just like ice can burn, so can she.  We forget that snow is a blessing.  Our inner child loves snowy days for snowy reasons. 

She is also the Goddess Skadi, Norwegian goddess of Winter.  Skadi was a giant hunting and skiing snowshoe Goddess.  She was passionate about justice, revenge, and damage done so unjustly.  She was a very independent Goddess and resents authority.  So might we, this winter.  She is associated with death, with darkness, and cold and seeks to do battle over authority.  We need to watch ourselves during this moon for harm we might do in our shadow moments.  An interesting fact is that she chose her husband by their size of his skis.  Do not be drawn in by appearances.  Do not be out seeking someone to take our revenge on.  Enjoy the ski and the winter in any way you can.  Yes, seek justice, but do it in passing and with intent of justice not revenge. 

 Today, I have added more lights outside on our patio.  I have decorated a table, bought some lighted birch trees, and hung a lighted wreath.  I have some spiral lights around the turnks of the junipers.  I have made a cover for our swing and firepit and have covered them so that I can whip the covers off and we can put on blankets and sit before a fire this holiday.  I will learn to enjoy winter.  I will not let it hinder my joy in having fires and enjoying nights around a fire. 

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