Monday, November 16, 2020

Passive Resistance/Expectations For Females




Passive resistance is another feminine energy. Women tend to have their spaces and places of dominance (the kitchen).   We also have our places and spaces of peace and tranquility (patio, a certain chair, a certain activity).  We avoid confrontation because it only creates more chaos for us.  Learning to think, “It is ok to let ___ be right, even if ____ is not!”).  Sometimes we are reactive.  Not a good idea as I know well.  Sometimes we resist, but we do so in gesture (roll of eyes, the longggggggggg sigh). 

Ok, so women tend to be manipulative whenever they can get the chance or make the decision to do so.  The divine feminine passive resistance is a tool we wield.  It is our “little rebellion”!  sometimes we do tend to resist authority figures.  We may use our voice and modulate it “Yeh, sure!”  Say that as many ways as you can with different emphasises.  We were born to manipulate our mother to nurse us, change us, hold us, keep us alive.  We, then, learned to smile to please others and to get them to give us what we want.  We cry.

We were conditioned to NOT manipulate from then on, although some of us still pasted on a smile.  We were conditioned to ‘do what girls do’.  We were conditioned to be caretakers and nurtures, with our yearly Christmas doll.  We were modeled obedience to males.  We were taught housekeeping, baking, and sew, and how to clean.  We were taught to self-regulate when out in public.  We were taught female expectations but we resisted, passively, sometimes not so passively. 

We wore makeup when we were told we could not.  We dated before the age society and parents suggested on their “Expectations For Girls” list.  We made risky decisions and did risky things.  It was Russian Roulette whether we learned to assimilate into ‘normal’ society or continued rebelling throughout our lives … of course, passively.

Passive resistance is an art form and we have used it often.  We have slammed doors, rattled drawers, purposefully omitted or committed.  We have stomped our feet, learned how to ‘burn’ with looks, learned how to make fire spark in our eyes.  We have withheld or overdone.  We have had our little rebellions, yes!  Then we remember or relearn what it takes to get what we want, and learn to manipulate our own sense of fulfillment.

What are your “Little Rebellions”?

©Carol Desjarlais 16.11.20


***Painting inspired by Christy Sobolewski


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