Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Divine Feminine Masculine Energy




“We all have masculine and feminine energy in our energy bodies. The masculine and feminine energy has nothing to do with gender, and both male and female can tap into both essences.”- - Sylvia Salow, Learn the Difference between Masculine and Feminine Energy”

Each of us carries the Yin and Yang of Energies within us.  True balance, within, is not found until we discover and meld the two energies within.  It is not to say we have not already done so and live a balanced life.  When the difference shows up is when we are needing protection for a person, place or thing.  Our reactive responses tell us much about ourselves in this energy field.

When we look at Masculine Energy, we find many areas to consider.  As females, we use Masculine energy in these ways:

When we are quick to take sustained action to complete what we need to during a day, we are tapping into our masculine energy. Adventure is a great deal about risk-taking.  Using our masculine energy, we are more apt to take risks.  Care-taking is masculine, nurturing is feminine, so when we ‘fix’ things, in the physical realm, we are tapping in to our masculine energy.  Since our feminine energy has be conditioned in us to see ourselves as ‘weaker’ and ‘less than’, we tend to waiver in our self-confidence.  When we begin to take our stand, use our voice, refuse to be stereotyped according to societal patriarchal ideologies, we are tapping into masculine energy.

While it is true that we are able to multitask, sometimes our efficiency wears thin the longer we work at something.  Because masculine energy is something that helps males single-focus on projects, etc., they tend to be more efficient at rout (muscle-memory) activities. 

It was well known, when I was growing up, that Mother was the softy.  My Dad would say “NO!” and mean it.  A sneak over to mother and she would work on him and most often it became a “YES!”   She had the influence but Dad had the Will, the Firmness.  Oh, and the look Dad would give. When he was perturbed said a thousand quiet, menacing, things.  Mother’s looks when she was angry, jaw jutting, could wither an errant child.   

Another masculine energy type is Focus.  If you have ever tried to get a man’s attention when he is watching, say, hockey on television, you may have noticed he simply seemed not to be able to disconnect.  Masculine focus is one that comes from being single-minded at a task (Ok, hockey is a task in this example). With us, we can focus on a dozen things at once and so our focus may be scattered, at times. When we really become focused on something, we have moved into our Masculine Energy. 

A masculine energy trait is Pride and Honor.  Feminine Price and Honor is all soft and cuddly and weepy.  Masculine Pride and Honor is more patriotic, more stoic in it.  Our Feminine Pride and Honor Energy is more emotionally charged.

Our Mother Goose type leadership is singing our journey up mountains and down vales.  Our Masculine Energy of Leadership is no nonsense get-er-done and quit filly-faddling and keep up kind of energy. 

Masculine Logic Energy and Feminine Logical Energy could not be more different.  Our Masculine Energy has a direct route to logic.  Our Feminine energy makes loops and curlicues and a happy little path with detours and plan A’s and B’s and finally getting there. 

Masculine Energy towards Loyalty is, again, stoic and impenetrable because it is the way of it.  Feminine Energy towards Loyalty is all about Mother Bear loyalty and ownership and protection and can be bartered towards.  Masculine Energy is, “Get the Gun” Loyalty, Feminine Energy is all about “Come to Mama, I’ll take care of it, mama knows you would not do that”. 

Feminine energy towards Power and Strength is a quiet strength which empowers.  Our Masculine Power and Strength is Might.  Although, physically, we are not made to be as physically strong, our deep inner strength can take incredible losses and still rise.  Of course, there are exceptions depending on what life has handed us down through our ages, and, typically, the reverse applies to males who tap into feminine qualities within. 

As we become aware of the feminine and the masculine within, we move towards a balanced, healthy, harmonic and freer ways of being.

©Carol Desjarlais 25.11.20

 This painting was done by doing a colorful well-marked background.  Then a drawing of a character is done and a solid color of paint is painted around the character.   A light wash of color, or colors, is used to highlight the character..

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