Thursday, November 12, 2020

Divine Feminine Creative Energy




As Co-creators, we often forget the divinity of our very beings down here on earth.  We are manifestations of Creation and creativity and are wont to create in every quadrant of our lives.  We are constantly transmuting things from one form into another.  It is our divine heritage to do so and without us, and our creativity, there would be no beings on Mother Earth.  We are co-creators with the Creator.  That is divine.

We are driven to turn everything in our daily life into something personal, something ‘else’, something that our hands create.  We forage for ways to make food from one thing into something different and have done so since beginning of time.  We gather as villages and raise children of our own or others into the kind of human beings that will be gifts to the world.  We take plots of land and turn them into gardens, even if it is on a patio or a window sill.  We are, again, driven to make more of things.  We paint, we construct, we deconstruct, we are constantly creating with every breath of our beings.  We are gifts to the world, ourselves, as products of ancestral mothers before us. 

As children, we create imaginary worlds with our dolls, with our friends, alone in those dream states of stories in our heads.  As youth we think we are rebelling, but what we were doing was creating a new way of being separate from those who created us.  As young brides, we made home out of basements and apartments and homes we have dreamed of having and decorating and making our own.  As young mothers, we carried our progeny within our very bodies in the greatest act of creation down here on earth.  As grandmothers, we create homes for our children and their children to come home to, to draw home.  Every stage of life is all about creation and the feminine creative energy.

The divine spirituality of feminine creativity is found in physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual realms of our whole being.  If we are not creating positivity, we are creating negatively.  There is blanch (divine balance) in all things we do.  We take thoughts and create reality from them.  We take feeling’s and create personal deep intimate life stories from them.  We take our beliefs and create faith, hope, love, compassion, from our hopes and dreams, and goodness.   

We are artists and painters and beautifiers and the list goes on and on as we find ways to make new of something, to make real of something, to make personal of something, to make more meaning of something.  Like a child driven to stand up and walk, like a youth driven to want independence, as a mother who is made to carry children, as a grandmother to find ways to live purposeful creative lives, we create.  Divine Feminine Creative energy is our drive as much as breathing is.

On those hard days, on those boring days, on those negative days, remember that you are craving something more and in that craving is creativity to make different what is.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.12.20

Inspired by Christy Sobolewski

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