Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Fear, Faith, Hope, Charity



We have been altered forever by a virus no bigger than a grain of sand.  I do not believe we will ever return to our past ‘norms’ and we will have to learn to live with a new ‘Norm’.  What I once thought was an “American’ way of living (Fear-based society) will now be global ways of living.  Faith has been shaken as we discover no amount of prayer or belief has changed the continuing and effects of the virus.  Hope and our projections of Hope have been changed.  Charity (Love for and care for others) has brought out those who have always been charitable/loving and those who never were.  We are, in many ways, beings who have had their personal traits magnified.

The babyboomers, for the most part, grew up with a grandparent who preached doom and second comings.  This pandemic has brought about a magnification of Doom, rebellion, rejection, conspiracy theories, and we are beings who have always feared the unknown.  We are a species who, from the beginnings, feared ‘women’s creative processes’ and that has not faded out.  Fear causes us Flight or Fight reactions, and each person has their own way of fleeing or fighting;  different levels. For some of us, there is a residual of panic within and we have coping skills for such.  Art is my way of dealing with that negativity that comes up.   Art keeps me from being tempted to listen to the news all day; Panic, death, virus, and fear-mongering happen on most social mediums and I am working hard to keep these feelings at bay.

My Faith in many people, places, things, institutions, has been severely challenged.  Trust is a huge part of Faith.   I still have faith in the specialists, the main specialists, in the Viral arena who I have developed trust in.  I follow their instructions and suggestions with knowing that this is new to all of us down here on this hard earth right now.  I must have confidence in someone who knows the most or has shown me he/she knows the most, in the different countries.  I do not trust naysayers, those who push conspiracy theories, those who never did follow rules, those who refuse to listen and rebel against everything all the time.  It is the only way I can feel that someone knows and might be in charge of how to deal with this covid as it progresses and as they expand their knowledge. 

Faith is tied to Hope.  We all hope that this will end, that there will be a way to halt the spread, that there will be an immunization that has been long tested and sure.  I have hope that we can overcome the fear-based push that we run into in every form of living in a new way of the world.  I hope that things get better soon.  I can hope that we can learn to respect and honor others’ opinions, even those widely different than our own, as their personal ownership and not be influencing towards mine.  Perhaps Faith is Hope.

Charity is, for me, love for one another.  It begins with me to be more kind and compassionate, to honor others more, to be Peace, to extinguish bitterness and/or prejudices towards others.  Of course, I should have been doing this all along, but now, more than ever, Love is needed.  I am seeking affection in all I encounter.  I see to emit such.  I want to be one who respects others and allows them their individuality and accept their ways of living through this as long as it does no harm.  I seek to be a beacon for those who feel lost in this mind-numbing isolation so many are in right now.  Perhaps the greatest of all, as is said, is Love that cures all.

©Carol Desjarlais 4.11.20

painting done with Jenny Manno, Tuesday, October 27,  challenge


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