Saturday, November 7, 2020

I Should Have Known the Dove




For a full week, this dove decided to fly in under the high metal roofing over our Yuma home and land on Richards’s knee.  Every morning.  And day by day, it got closer and closer to his chest, then up on his shoulder, that last day it came.  And, as swiftly as he had appeared, he left and did not return.  I should have known.  I should have since I know of the symbolisms, but, of course, I took the positive, the dove as a symbol of peace.  Only later would it hit me.  I guess I was in denial and was not looking for self-blame, just unknowingly not seeing.

The dove symbolizes gentleness and if you have one constantly coming near you or having you notice them, they, if they are spirit birds, will come near your shoulder, which this one did to Richard, on the last day it came, and it is said they whisper their secret message to you in your ear.  It is a message only you can hear.  I know, now, that she came to comfort him for what would take place in a few months, to express enduring love.  In many war paintings, the painter will put a dove amidst the bombings, smoke, and dirty sky above the frey.  Yes, I should have known he was going in to battle.  Perhaps she cooed to him about her protection as he warred.  I do know he never once, in those 5 weeks from first noticing his urine dark stained, until he died, had pain, was sick, or in any discomfort at all.  The dove represents peace, and in his dying, (so uncommon for him not to dither and complain and fuss) he showed incredible grace and dignity.  His soul heard the dove’s message, I believe. 

As well, he was a man who was ‘down’ on himself, easily, and felt guilty, misplaced, for so many things in his far distant past (He suffered from PTSD, badly).   The dove speaks of deliverance and forgiveness. Perhaps that is why he was so calm through it all.  Spirit knew, Creator knew, I should have known but my grief was blurring most things.  She foretold death as well, you see, but her symbolism adds that it will be peaceful and serene.  Instead of wonder, I should have been comforted.  In my denial, I did not allow for that. 

I am sure there are spirit messages all the time.  We just have forgotten to listen, to notice, to accept.  Listen well, sisterfriends. Xoxo

©Carol Desjarlais 8.11.20


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