Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Divine Emotional Feminine Energy




There are many kinds of feminine energy, but, for now, I am thinking about our feminine emotional energy, since I deal with that often.  I know that we can have sudden changes in our emotional energy as we seem to be more aware of emotional energies around us.  (Note:  I am only discussing feminine energy and not dissing our brothers at all, simply focusing on the feminine that I know best).  I believe we are more aware (perhaps the sixth sense is part of this) of thoughts and feelings of those around us.  Part of this is absolutely tied to hormonal changes.  Feminine emotional energy is reactive and, I believe, very much tied to triggers from the past and may be subconscious for some. 

There is something strong yet vulnerable in feminine energy.  It seems that there is almost a drive to be vulnerable, whether we are conditioned to be so, or whether it is part of the energy, I am not sure, but I have seen for myself, in my female clients, in women I have done circles with, that we are more intimate with one another and in our relationships once we build them with other females.  (Is it safer?) 

I, also, believe that women seem to be on a higher plane, in expressing energy.  I think that many women fall into more vulnerable positions in life because we are more expressive and we do feel and think at a different level, thus expressing our energy from that higher level.  It wreaks hell with communication betimes. 

(Of course, there was a book called Women Are From Venus Men Are From Mars).  One of the first impacting book I read was “My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity” by Nancy Friday.  I was trying to figure out how to relate to my mother who was four generations my age and I thought and felt so differently than her.  (Note:  She was my adopted mother) _.  I began to realize that emotionalism can be inherited.  It was not until I met my birth family that some of the answers came to me through discussions of life with my siblings.  So, I think levels of feminine emotional energy can be passed down, so it is not entirely conditioning.  That blew me away.

It is a sad joke, a bullying, a denigrating fact, for many, that we are ‘the weaker sex’, but how do those who do not know the depths of feminine emotional energy explain it?  How do our brothers cope with it when they cannot understand what they do not know or feel?  Of course, to chastise us, to put us in our place, to break us down, is one way used by society, by o some of our brothers.  Even some of our sisters who block, deny, and refuse to be glorified in their feminine emotional energy can be denigrating and negative towards those who feel more deeply, think more openly and deeply.  Some have given up their power.  I know that, as I consider these things, I empower myself. 

Can you explain what you think about feminine emotional energy.  I would love to have others share their thoughts on this.

©Carol Desjarlais 11.12.20

**painting inspired by Christie Sobolewski


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