Saturday, November 28, 2020

Becoming the New Us In A New Way




We, women, may find, during this time of covid restrictions, that we tend to be doing emotional, spiritual work.  Suddenly, there is time.  Suddenly, there is space to do so.  And, we may be doing more online research and finding new things to try to DIY.  I am grateful for these two little private students who keep my creativity sparked and there is such joy to see their thrill and satisfaction that they are getting for such praise as a private art teacher can give.  But, they add fulfillment, a purpose, for me during this time.  They get to be our ‘Plus Two’. We tend to be more connected with sea, sky, Mother Earth, and the waters that we are missing so much.  We may find we are longing for connectedness and they opportunities to nurture.  There is much more interconnectedness with those on our social media areas.

Sometimes, past things we have not worked on, come floating to the top of our consciousness.  This can make all this covid isolationist stuff even worse for us if this happens.  Now there is time, for some of us, when we cannot outrun our woundedness, Now is the time that even social medias remind us how much we have been negated.  Some of us are raw and real with the evolving groups of those like the “Me Too” movements.  We are more conscious of how power and strength and politics and movements and retribution and anger and hate and division of protest are more important than our feminine gifts of compassion and empathy.  There is a sense of sharp jabs of in justice and ‘rightness’ even in ‘wrongness’. 

We have all seen and heard and met women who have the Cinderella Complex, who have given up their feminine energy and prowess and giftedness and slumped into passivity and/or voiceless women who cannot say “no”, or “stop” and simply live a bland life of ‘just at the edge” of depression with deep and despairing senses of abandonment of their own divinity.  Some have become more masculine in their reactions and actions against inequalities showing up more sharply.  There is a sense of vulnerability that we may have never know the likes of. Our lives are full of chaos and fears that we have not had to experience, perhaps, ever in our lives.  We are sharply aware of our roles in our society, in our cultures, in our social interactions, in our families, in our homes.  Life, itself, is not what it has been and we fear what may lay in wait for us when the crises is over and we try to find a new normal.  These things can weigh heavily on us, as nurturers and healers and caregivers and our unique individual sense of place in the world. 

Think of how you have changed over this year amid the drastic changes in this world we live and love in.  How are you reacting to it all physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually?  How do you exercise your femininity during all of this?  What is your new role in these new ways of being?

©Carol Desjarlais 28.11.20

Whimsical Portrait inspired by NexJENeration Tuesday’s challenge, Nov 10


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