Friday, February 28, 2020

The Bison/Buffalo/iinii

We know all Plains tribes have an integral connection to the buffalo.  There are many stories and legends and a resurgence of Buffalo by tribes who are bringing them back.  There are many physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual connections. 

Buffalo were always medicine and, before it was decided, by the conquerors, there was not one part of the Buffalo that was not sacred.  They were gifted with knowledge and unity, with hope and change.  They were gifted with meanings most of us simply cannot fathom today.

To dream, or see, a Buffalo is to know that one's soul needs harmony.  If burdens are heavy, it reminds us to persevere.  For me, I chose to spend time with the Buffalo to manifest my desire to return to the medicine I need at this time.  The Buffalo are one of the most sacred totems we can carry with us for a time. It brings with it abundance and joy and hard times, as well.  

A Buffalo can be very dangerous, if crossed, and it reminds us that there is a time and place for alertness, for anger, for working through to balance.  The Buffalo knows that energy needed for a short time might be used up if we hang on to it too long.  They reprimand and then walk away.  When we are in tune with the medicine of the Buffalo, we might look at what direction the buffalo stands.  It is a clue as to what direction we must turn to seek healing.
Buffalo are herd animals and are lost without their herd.  This reminds us to fix family issues and remember the good of one is the good of all.  There will be conflict, as seen with the Buffalo in breeding season, or when territory of one bull is challenged by another.  But there is, again, a time and place for all things and unity and harmony must be found.  To be a lone buffalo, in the North, is to open self up to wolves.  It may be time to take back your power.

When you are seeking spiritual answers for your spiritual self, you can turn to all things buffalo.  To forget that there is sacredness to all aspects of self is to lose a great part and interconnections with all parts of who you are.  Gather up your balance, however you know to, however you can learn to, and walk with dignity and sureness.  Stand firm, stand your ground, and take what actions your soul tells you to take.  Only you can solve your own adversities.  Work on your own issues.  Make right what is not right within you or you become prey to those who would use you ill.  You know, I know, my truths and we know the courage to settle those truths within us.  No need defending self to those who simply do not matter to your own continuum.  

Give service to those who deserve it.  Withdraw from those who do not.  It is your choice and judgment that counts, not anyone else.  Again, chose your battles wisely.

I was praying hard for someone and while deep in this thought, this painting came.

 I used some collage to begin with. I wanted some depth to his broad forehead. 

 I used a sponge dauber to get some base. I am using a limited palette.

Then I moved in to do detail

There comes so much peace when I do my art.  This one became peace.  This is going to be an honor gift for someone.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.28.20

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