Thursday, January 19, 2023

Sagittarius Still Reigns: Setting Up A Sacred Space



Today Sagittarius reigns and she is a wild one.  She does not want anything serious.  She is all Lavender and the color white.

How about setting one area, one sacred space, for yourself?  How about we call it an “Altar”?  If your Sagittarius influence goes against this, figure out why.  What has conditioned you against using the term “altar” for a sacred space for yourself? 

I live three decades before it hit me that I have a spiritual right, a soulful need, to create my own sacred space in which to put my expressions of emotive joy, sorrow, peace, anger, solace, and succor for myself.    I no longer and do not need an intermediary between my soul and my Higher Power. My soul is not for sale and I ceremony for this reason. My space and place of art is my holy shrine where my soul comes to be grateful and to be soothed.  I have a proper altar.  I make an altar of the shelf above my computer.  It is lined with my sacred smalls of stones, tools, bundles, oils, cards, sacred photos, sculptures, books and connections.  Of course, every time I find a feather (given to me out of the blue and symbolizes Richard) and those things that make me soulfully, spiritually, happy and content.  Each shelf in my bedroom bookshelf holds things special and dear to me, including a shelf that holds the ashes of my soulmate and my birth mother.  Another shelf, there, holds my medicines; my bundles of sage, my herbs, my oils, my smudge objects and plants and oils.  Another shelf holds the darling things my granddaughter has given me or has drawn or painted me, etc.  Another shelf holds my leathers; my mukluks, my inside mukluks, my high-top moccasins, middle top wraps, and foot moccasins, and other leathers.  My dresser top is a place for my proper altar with my smudge rock and objects of spirituality.  But it is there that is my jewelry, my sacred bags, and these spaces are so important to me.  One of the reasons for mymymymymy space is that I have only these small spaces in a house that was designed and decorated by my friend, who passed, and whose husband was my husband’s best friend.  It is now the place that is the roof over my head and my blessed companion is for our oldest age.  We all need our space to call our own.  These areas and the gazebo and small garden plot are what I have made mine amidst the memories of my friend and her husband now my partner.  These are places of my sacred bliss.  


Consider what altar means to you.  Consider how you could easily set up a shelf, a small table, a box, a simple are where you can go to seek spiritual rest and peace and for those who do smudging or ceremony, then a space for that. 



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