Friday, January 20, 2023

Capricorn Rules the Day: Self-Improvement and Self-Care



Today is a coral day.  A day of mint everything.  Today our work is on self-improvement and self-care.  The moon is in Capricorn.  We have the sun entering Aquarius early this morning.

Capricorn Moon means that you will feel pretty serious about everything today.  You feel responsible to do more than you can, actually.  That list in my own head gets longer.  I have to learn to whittle things down rather than go at Herculean speed.   Be careful you do not push people away as you have your head down to get things done and follow YOUR schedule.  Stress can have you barking at others heels.  And you feel like you just do not have the energy to get things done.  Grab some rose quartz, quickly, first thing this morning and pack it around to remind you that you do not have to do it all all of the time. 

While we are in Capricorn Moon, the sun is in Aquarius and this amplifies your ambition, determination, and persistence.  You may feel restless, of course and you are so very strict with yourself.  You should try just dumping your list and go out for coffee or lunch with a friend.  Friends help soften the day.  This will help you laugh and let loose, otherwise you will be forgetful and stumbly and droppy, and flustered.  In fact, you are most apt to be downright irritated with self and anyone who gets in your way as you try to do what you think you should be.  Besides, someone might come to visit and find you in your danged turmoil. 

Capricorn is the Goat, 10th sign of the Zodiac.  Hang rosemary, drink chamomile tea.  This ought to keep you from overloading your body, mind, heart and soul.

How could you express Capricorn in the Aquarius sun in your art journal.  I wanted to express peace amidst the chaos of my own making. 

©Carol Desjarlais 1.20.23


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