Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Candle Aspects – DIY candles courtesy of Fran Peters.





Today’s scent is cedar and I have collected some cedar to make a candle. I asked our sisterfriend Fran Peters to share a DIY candle-making entry and she has written up a piece for how to make soy candles.  She sells the most amazing candles and add bits of crystals and herbs until her candles are totally unique.  I own several. 



There are different candle colors for each day of the week. 

Sunday- burn a green or gold candle

Monday – burn a silver, white, or gray candle

Tuesday – burn a red or autumn shaded candle

Wednesday – burn a yellow or gray candle

Thursday -burn a purple or deep blue candle

Friday – burn a light blue, green, pink, or copper-hued candle

Saturday – burn a maroon, black, or darker shade candle


On your birth month sign, burn a primary color or secondary color candle:

Aquarius – blue, green

Pisces – burn a white or green candle

Aries – burn a white or pink candle

Taurus – burn at red or yellow candle

Gemini – burn a red or blue candle

Cancer – burn a green or brown candle

Leo – burn a red or green candle

Virgo – burn a gold or black candle

Libra – burn a black or blue candle

Scorpio – burn a brown or black candle

Sagittarius – burn a gold or red candle

Capricorn – burn a red or brown candle


Because I have lots of Beeswax, I wondered about substituting beeswax for soy flakes.  I also need cedar scented so I could make one, right?  OMG, I am in for a mess, believe me.  I should just buy one from Fran since hers are awesome…!!  I now have the drive to try a raggedy candle I might make.


Beeswax is biodegradable, non-carcinogenic and it gives off a sweet smell when burned.  It is non-allergenic and cleanses air but does not keep the scent or color as well as soy. 


Ok, now wicks.  I do not have a purchased wick but found that I could twist up a tiny bit of newspaper type paper into a wick, or twisted toilet paper, or wine, or embroidery floss or even a tampon... ok, I do not have tampons any more but I sure have embroidery thread and newspaper and tp.  Ok, so… substituting that… gulp.


Cedarwood is supposed to help with mental clarity and goddess knows, I need a bunch of that.  Oh, and it is good if you have a flu bug in the house.  It is also supposed to heighten self-confidence…yup... I could use that, as well. 


I have several small glass containers that puddings came in and they would be perfect for this.  You could even use old ceramic teacups. 

And, to hold the “wick, maybe I should use a skewer and attach the top of the wick to that... if long, I could cut it off.


Oh, my goodness, wish me well with this.  I can think of all sorts of mishaps happening.  Then, I will buy some candles from Fran to thank her for writing up some instructions for us.


Voila!  A bit off-centred but oh my does it ever smell good.

 Fran has beautiful beautiful candles and she adds in crystals and herbs and there is nothing to compare that I have ever seen at markets or anywhere.  I would suggest we all help make her life a whole lot better by purchasing her candles. 


©Carol Desjarlais 1.18.23

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