Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Hard Work: Full Worm Moon



Boy, this Moon means a great deal of work on what I have been blogging about:  working on past issues of your shadow self.  This moon moves into Virgo and still the Pisces hangs on for a bit, like our past hangs on.  This means we are going to do some emotional work, some physical (health) work, and looking at our daily habits and routines. As Spring seems to crawl in, new light is shining on our world, and new light begins to shine int our shadow side where old past things lie writhing, betimes.  It is not a pretty sight; Mother Earth in her bedraggled rags and what we see as things we have picked up over the last two years and have become same old, same old. 

 Virgo, you and Pisces will feel this the most during this month.  It is time to get productive.  We might have been coasting.  This moon will give us strength and energy to do this work.  Worm Moon speaks to those crawling things just below the surface of Mother Earth, and their emergence in time to feed the Spring birds that have returned.  Male robins have staked their claims and sing with joy that they have found a spot for their soon arriving lady loves.  While we see the dirt and gathering of dirty things that lie on the surface of Mother Earth (the leavings of winter’s past) and we have newly certified clarity to really take a look at old habits and patterns and challenges of last season and tidy up a bit.

Avoidance becomes more and more difficult as the light shines on things we would rather have had tucked away where we did not have to deal with them.  There will be a sense of anxiety, worries and fears, and disturbing dreams until you do begin to work on baggage you are carrying from the past.  To ‘work on’, means to pull them out of your darkness and to know them for what they are --- powerless and old and past ---- and the light of Pisces sun will begin to put more balance into your life.  I, for one, need a cleansing even though I have worked on my ‘shadow stuff’ to know it and know they why of it all, and then letting it go.  But, deep in the recesses of my shadow self are some, yet, wriggling like worms ready to burst out any minute.  We all have them and they rise at any moment they choose, to haunt us, to shame us, to guilt us.  Release.  Release.  Relief.

Let it rise when it rises and deal with it immediately.  Don’t stuff it back down to wriggle and niggle.  Virgo helps you stay grounded while you work.  It is your inner influences.  Pluto is your sun – your outer influences.  Let them work together to polish up some past stuff that needs to be let go of… first acknowledge, then know, then release. 

Relase.  Release.  Relief! Sisters.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.19.22


A sketch and three stencil crows (messengers, dark messages, gnawing, cawing messages).

She becomes not so ugly as I start to get the face shadowed and colored.
The bubble hair is a really fun technique of using a round foamy on a stick and loading it with three colors.  Then you press the foamy down and spin.  Voila!  bubbles!

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