Friday, March 4, 2022

Sail Away Into Holy Space




“Art is a guarantee to sanity,” said Louise Bourgeois, a French-American artist who died in 2010 at the age of 98. She even went on to add, “…This is the most important thing I have said.” For Bourgeois, art — making art — was a tool for coping with overwhelming emotion.

The way you do art is to drop into that creative space that absorbs you, deeply, and completely, so that time slips away without you noticing.  And, what we need right now is a way to get away from the chaos of the world.  When our heart needs calming, when our heart needs healing, when our emotions are almost too much for us to bear, having some art tools, some paper, and some quiet time, we can sail away into the current that pulls us through rough waters to calm bays of intuitive creativity.

As artists, we are intimately connected and aware of slipping into this space, without being bidden or without force.  We gratefully slip to our art area and begin to release the world’s fears and tears, cares concerns.  We cannot tell you how to get there.  We cannot tell you where to go to get there.  You will one day suddenly find you have been there and you will crave that forever more. 

We are so driven by expectations that it is difficult to take the time to create, to make new, to carve out a time when we can be quiet and move into sacred space.  We may need to give ourselves permission.  I am old.  I do not sleep much.  I refuse to lie and stew in my bed and let my Evil Inner Witch start nattering at me.  I get up and do some art.  It is quiet and I can slip into that meditative contemplative space where creativity lives.  It is there that I think new things I new ways.  It is in that space where I do my own self-counseling.  It is there where my Divine Within whispers to me.  It is there that soul gets its expression.  Ye, it is holy space.

I hope you find some time to drop all guilt at taking time out to enter the space of your own holiest moments.  I hoper there you find pleasure and beauty and authentic expression as your emotions are stimulated and lay themselves down on the substrate before you.

Sai; away into that healing, nurturing, place of self-awareness that can come from giving yourself permission to lay down your very soul for expression’s sake. 

©Carol Desjarlais 2.4.22


I love mottled backgrounds.  Oten, I will use up the end of a palette that I have been working on, and scrub paint on to a plain substrate.  This is a way to warm up another page in your art journal.  

A pice of charcoal pencil and she appears, as if by magic.  I was aware of lkights and darks and placement of such, as I drew her on the page.

Sometimes I see her  in my head and I replicate what I am seeing.  Sometimes, a face will simply appear.  I had no idea about that hat, but it came more clear to me as I painted.

I should note, here, that someties I paint towards a blog entry.  somtimes the blog entery comes first.  She came first and then the blog entry for this .

She is quite simplistic but I love her.

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