Sunday, March 6, 2022

An Interesting Woman




What is an Interesting Woman?  Are you one? Who gets to decide?  Whose opinion of such do you respect?  Do you understand if you ARE or CAN Be an interesting woman?

 These are the things I find in interesting women:  they are intelligent; they have a quick wit; they are compassionate for all things; they are kind; they are empowering to be around; and they are independent. 

It isn’t the degrees or the schooling they have that intrigue me, make me want to be around them, it is the have common sense, a sense of social graces, and are stimulating to be around because they are well-read and are a rounded person.  I like women who have and speak their truths, their opinions, and have valid reasons to make me think more openly.  I love it when they have many varied interests and bubbler up when something they know about, or know to do, and is quickly shared. 

I adore women who have a sense of humor.  I have lost my original sense of humor when grief ripped it from me too.  I am working to get it back.  I love the unexpected fits of laughter that comes from something we have done, or had done, or wanted to do.  I love it when a woman can laugh at herself.  Some of most memorable times with women are when we did something absolutely ridiculous and the memories ring clear as a bell when I think back on them, even if they are not in my life now.

And long with these things, I love a woman who is passionate about people, places and things.  They are women who are totally authentic.  They share what moves them; physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.  I love women who have character and are not ‘fit to the mold; women.  I love it when they dress I their own unique ways to show off their personality.  I love it when they might wear some unexpected make-up, have neon colours in their hair, dress funky.  I notice these women on the boardwalk of life and I am drawn to them.  They are women who do not seek approval or attention from anyone.  They please themselves and it shows in their mannerisms as well as in their way of dressing.  

I love women who are kind, who go out of their way to do special things, women who empower other women.  They are considerate.  They listen more than they speak.  They show genuine interest in other people. 

And lastly, I find women interesting who have self-respect and it is shown in every way.  They are not dragging a lot of baggage behind them – they are healers who have healed.  They are women who ppractie what they preach and reach out to pull up other women who might be lagging behind or dragging thei feet and need their backs braced.  Those kind of women are interesting women.

Dio you recognize yourself in some of these attributes.  See, you are not in this group and interacting with me for no reason.  It is because I am genuinely interested oin who women are, what they are doing, how they are faring, and what life down here on earth really means to them.  Now, that is interesting.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.6.22


Sometimes I draw with charcoal, sometimes with a brown like burnt umber watered down a bit.  I keep aware of the mathematics of the face.  Eyes half way between crown and chin, nose half way between eyes and chin.  Mouth halfway between nose tip and chin.

I have used a fuschia with a touch of black, watered down, to trace the face this time.  I also begin to add in some shadow areas. 

I do some purple underpainting for hair to get some direction to it since I want windswept type hair.  

I add bright pink for the hair.

Once I have her hair the way I want it, I choose a stamp I made, to put some decoration in her hair.  

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