Tuesday, March 1, 2022

March, the Realm of The Green Goddess




You may remember me posting a blog about Demeter (De  Meter =The Mother) and her anxious search for her daughter who had been kidnapped.  She trashed everywhere looking for her.  She eventually found hr but found out her daughter had fallen in love with her kidnapper.  A truce was made and Demeter was grateful to have her daughter for half a year while her daughter went back to her husband half a year (her daughter brings spring each year with her and takes spring and summer back with her to her lover).

Demeter Chloe (the green shoot), goddess of green growing things gets her name from ‘Chloia’ meaning sprouting grain and thee is a festival held for her every year that celebrates the mysteries of Spring. 

It is interesting that the name Demeter shows up in Paul’s writing in the New testament.  They must have missed it because not often do we see a goddess in the bible.  Most names were changed, along with the festivals for them, by having them called by different names or merely hinted at.


For the month of March, we are challenged to cultivate what it is we wish to grow.  We are to put our lives and things in order.  (Spring Cleaning) We are to help heal chao in the world (war against Ukraine…feel their pain and pray it away).  We are to heal chaos in our own lives.

In March, the  goddess, Minerva, is working in and through us.  Remember, you are the answer to some ancients’ prayers.  Be that.

©Carol Desjarlais 3.1.22

This art journal page was done with mixing acrylics to get a color and tone I wish to use.  I started out with basic colors on my palette and then mixing with my brush to get pudles of color needed.



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