Saturday, June 12, 2021

The Spiritual Bohemian


"It doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe." - Kevin Smith

Bohemians are those truly interested in personal spiritualism.  They tend to have moved away from organized religions and have taken in thoughts and actions by many religious arenas and discarded what did not fit their soul.  I am one who has done such.

I came out of a religion with a fear of an angry monster God as they defined it and used it for control.  It was a horrible struggle, physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually to recover for it over many years.  I immersed myself in having a personal relation with the Divine and finally found what felt right to my soul in every way:  First Nations, Woodland Cree and Blackfoot cultural spirituality.  Yes, they were ancient enemies, and, yes, I learned a very hard lesson in carrying too much of one medicine when moving to work in the other culture.  And, finally, I learned to keep what it means to have a personal relationship with “Creator” rather than have a controlling “middle man” direct what he/they thought was right for me.  My soul knew best and I have never wavered.  I no longer use “God” in connection to my soul for its definition by those I struggle to break free of.  I use “Creator” or “The Divine Feminine”. 

Spirituality within groups are usually found formed due to a basic human need to have meaning within a social group.  The group is then held together by common beliefs and spiritual actions and reactions. 

Interestingly, it was found that “belief”/”faith” in an omnipresent being(s) releases extra serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin in the brain and those make us feel good and develops a closeness in a common group with common beliefs.  Karl Marx called religion “opium of the people” for such a reason.  Freud said that God belief was a way of reverting to childhood needs of security and forgiveness.  That is worthy of thought, methinks.

Many Bohemians follow the way of the tarot, are in belief of astrological tools for belief, use yoga as a spiritual experience, many use meditation to find a way closer to spiritual integrity.  Many Bohemians prefer natural medicines for healing, as well as acupuncture and massage, and many other ways of building spirit.

Many bohemians use crystals for spiritual work:

Again, many use tarot cards

Many turn to Native American healing and spirituality in a  personal, more universal way – all tribes and some bands use different methods and ways, and making it personal allows for your own spirit to make itself and its ceremonies and rituals become deeply personal:

I use art/creativity as a form of meditation, prayer, and expression of soul.  I, also, follow The Good Red Road.  I dance in my regalia as a way of prayer.  I smudge and understand healing comes to those who desire and believe in it, even if that healing is done with a blade of grass.  One has to deeply, deeply believe and have a deep connection to Creator by following The Way as you have been taught and understand it.

Can you share, with the group, the answer to today’s conversation starter?

©Carol Desjarlais 6.12.21


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