Friday, June 18, 2021

Feathers of Hope




It is very common to see women in Boho style, wearing feather earrings or feathers in their hair, or feathers pinned to a top.  They tend to wear them, but have their own definition/connotation for why.  I wish to share what I know, of the First Nations way of understanding the symbolism of the feather, so you will know why we should not simply wear/use a real feather to imply some kind of First Nation’s meanings.  We cannot know what we have not been taught.  I am sharing only what I know.

 Feathers are most sacred to The People.  When one of The People had a feather, it is a sacred symbol of the relationship between that person, the bird it came from, and Creator.  A First Nations person knows the sacredness of the feather that signifies honor, freedom, strength, trust, wisdom and personal power.  Feathers are not bought.  A sacred feather is one found dropped from the sky as a gift from Creator.

I remember a trip to town from a semi-isolated community, with one of my peers.  On the way out of the forest, she spied an eagle nest.  She stopped the vehicle and gave offerings to the nest and the bird who built it (even though it was empty). After the offerings and prayers, we traveled on to the town and did our business.  When we came back, she stopped at the nest again and there, at the bottom of the tall pole were two feathers.  She, gave offerings of gratitude and handed me one of the feathers.  The bird/eagle was not in sight and the nest still looked abandoned. 

When using a feather as a sacred tool, it signifies important spiritual connections.  Each kind of bird has its own meanings and associations.  They are all Message-Carriers and bring some lesson or message to the one who finds the feather of any bird.  All associations with birds or feathers are deeply spiritual.

When my sweetheart was dying, that horrible five weeks from knowledge he had something strange going on until he passed, we made a deal.  He did not believe in God, religion, anything, but he promised me that he would send feathers in strange places so I would know there is a place next and I would know he was nearby.  I believed this.  I thought I was giving him something positive to consider.  I have to tell you, I have had feathers drop from the sky, and one even landed on my shoulder.  I have found feathers drifting down from trees where there was no longer a bird.  I have had feathers blow into my vehicle while I was traveling.  The Bee Man knows about this promise and he will point out feathers in strange places and he know, too, that Richard is nearby.  (He and Richard were best friends when we were in Arizona, for several years).  We both know when it is the ‘right’ feather.  We all need a reminder, of some kind, that our loved ones are nearby, that we are still loved, that we are being thought of. 

It is, also, important to know what the color(s) of the feathers mean.  Here is what I know:

A multi-colored feather always have one dominant color and the message it carries has to do with that dominant color.  Multicolored feathers are the most significant that reminds the receiver to keep an open mind, and know, when things are going badly, there is always hope.  Receiving one means that you are going to have an adventure in lessons you will be taught.  Receiving one, in any way you receive it, means that you are on the right path and there are always tough things in life we need to get through with some grace and dignity.  This colored feather signifies the changes will be huge but you need to face it like a woman who knows there is something beyond the lesson(s).  Acknowledge you are prepared to learn the lesson with eyes wide open.  Accept/Surrender to the lessons and walk on with head held high and grace settled in your soul.

Sometimes the feathers will actually be like craft feathers in odd colors for a bird.  Pink feathers mean you will have someone new to love.  Love, loyalty and nurturing the love(s) you have is the pink feathers signal.  A purple feather means you will be challenged, spiritually. Spiritual lessons need to be gone through slowly, again, with an open mind.  It, also, means you are reminded you are a daughter of the divine and it is time for you to learn the ways of your ancestors, whatever area of the world they come from.   Orange feathers teach things in the realms of energy, change and creativity.  Orange, the color of fire, and is the color of creativity and reminds the receiver to burn brightly.  A green feather will teach you about taking care of your body, to be aware of healing needed, and to use natural products of the global forests for that healing.  Yellow feathers symbolize joy and happiness and that it is important to remember, spread joy to gain joy.

Black has always been a fearful color and mostly represents lessons/messages about death and rebirth.  It does not mean you or someone you know is going to die but it means something inside will end and you will begin again.  It is good to make sure you carry protection (that would be another blog, totally) because you may run into negativity as you make changes and gain spiritual growth.

White feathers speak to you being watched over by a type of guardian/angel and you are being protected.  It symbolizes that you are working on a higher plane of soul work and purpose.  You need to make sure you cleanse, however you cleanse, but, if you were First Nations’ you would go to a sweatlodge because this is what is significant about finding/receiving the gift of a white feather. 

If you are gifted with a brown feather, know that you are being reminded to stay grounded.  It means that you are going to gather with friends and that you will see hidden agendas about these that gather around you.   

Red feathers is all about passion and how you express it or how you are NOT expressing it.  This feather is reminding you to live life fully, every day, every hour, every minute.  Show your courage.  Show how you use your power.  Show your strength.  Walk your talk and talk your walk.

If you are gifted with a gray feather, it reminds you to seek peace within self, within your family, within your relationships, within your community, and be a woman of peace in the global settings.  Be a soul who sends out only the best vibrations. Let go of the ‘stuff’ that is holding you back (past things|) and face life, bare-faced, and ready to take on whatever it is that is coming for you to do.

Whenever you are gifted with a feather, no matter how you received it, know that it is a message when it comes unexpected and is found in a strange place, or someone suddenly gives you one (especially a First Nations person).  Know these gifted feathers are just that “gifts” that go beyond where, when, how, why, you received it. 

©Carol Desjarlais 6.18.21

**This art journal page was done using some art paper that I had done some brush cleaning and used as an inking background.  I cut them out and used the pieces as collage.  I used chalk paint for the background colors.


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