Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Risky Business




Take a Risk, expand your repertoire of genres… 

There is risk in every moment of our lives down here on earth.  Every choice contains, sometimes, an unconscious risk.  Risk is actually an opportunity.  Think about it.  How boring would life be if we never took a risk, consciously?

There are so many opportunities we might miss if we do not step out of our comfort zone, creatively, as well as in all life.  Think of what a reward might be for trying something new.  Life has its rewards as well.  Yes, you might hit a brick wall, but even in the next choice is a risk worth taking.  Everything guides us to new beginnings.  Being a lifelong learner means that you are willing to give things a try.

If you feel afraid, ask your self why taking a risk is scary.  Some treat every pencil line as precious.  If we do this, we will begin to fail before we even begin.

Watch how life shifts when we take a risk.  Yes, some things will go smoothly and, yes, sometimes risk will teach us a new kind of lesson.  Are we afraid of risks?  Have we closed the door to adventures, to new experimentation?  What a boring world this would be if no one took a risk.  We would still be pre-caveman. 

Begin risk-taking in your art journal, or with any creative endeavor you are into.  Fail and learn lessons you would never have learned if you had not had a failed risk. 

I am doing a huge project to share in July.  I have already been working on it for a month.  I have risked trying something new and something I have not been all that successful in before now.  But, once I did the first part of that endeavor, it took on its own motivation and I am merrily making hay while the sun shines (taking more and more risks that are bringing great joy in the reward). 

Risk is its own reward.  What are you risking?  What could you risk, creatively, this week? Be sure and share your successes and share what has taught you a new lesson.


©Carol Desjarlais 6.7.21


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