Monday, June 14, 2021

Are We Too focused on Our Feelings?




Have we become too focused on feelings? I was listening to a CBC radio talk show and there was a woman in there saying we, women, have been done a disservice in that we have been coached to be ultra-focused on our feelings. She named some of my favorite empowering women, Brene Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, and added Glennon Doyle who I knew nothing about. I did a bit of research into her and wondered why I had not bumped into that name. I first read "“Being human is not about feeling happy. It’s about feeling everything.”-Untamed. that sounded good to me, but upon further research, I discovered that she was a blend of radical feminism, evangelical Christianity, twelve-step programs, Pema Chödrön. Suddenly there was a problem for me. The words, radical... feminism... evangelical ...twelve step... and Pema Chodron just do not fit together in my head and soul. Do we always have to believe in some kind of religion, some leader that we deem truth teller; some bandstanding person telling us what we want to hear? Shouldn't truths make us uncomfortable? I am still very much one to figure things out for myself... what fits my soul, I keep. what does not, I discard.

I am an eclectic soul. I follow traditional and ceremonial ways of the elders. I was raised in a Mormon town. I had to struggle to break free of that and in doing so found a personal beautiful relationship with Creator, which then allowed me to connect with the divine feminine. I practice First Nations Medicine. I am careful not to wish ill on others for every movement in the ether causes chain reactions, even negative thoughts.

I remember being told that, when we smoke, we must keep our thoughts pure because tobacco is strong medicine and whatever we speak of ( and it was during our breaks when we went outside to a back smoking area) stirs the ether.  That stuck me, hard, because how often was those breaks a time to bellyache?  I have never allowed myself a negative thought while having a cigarette since then.  How responsible we are for things we had no idea was going out into the ether? 

They say the world was created around the Medicine Wheel.  First it was created physically… then it was created intellectually (enlightenment of the Greek and the Renaissance).  Then we moved into the age of the emotions (yes, the time of feelings and counseling and full-scale world-wide psychological work).  And, then we move into the spiritual.  It is no mistake that it follows the Medicine Wheel.  It is time for us to get past the feelings (to get our healing done) so that the world can move into a spiritual world where there is peace and Mother Earth is healed, and we become whole beings in balance as will be the Earth.  This concept was taught by Rufus Goodstriker, a Blackfoot Medicine Man and Elder (also, my grandfather’s good friend and who I spent many days fishing and just time listening to stories at their knee). 

It is no surprise that, eventually, we must be healed in order to heal the world and that is another prophecy of many of the tribes – that woman will be the healers and the peacemakers.  

This is not a foreign way of thinking.  It is becoming more and more common as people learn more from the elders and those that share the information.  We cannot know the whole of the teachings in this lifetime.  The Medicine Wheel is not a flat thing.  It is spiraled and goes on and on and on.   But I am sharing some of it here, now, so you will understand why the push to empower and the reason that we have such a group as a littlegoddessinall.  It is my desire to empower you all so you might find ways of healing, of express and through expression you find healing.  It is my gift to you to empower you to find ways to be prepared to become the healers and peacemakers.  Xoxoxo

©Carol Desjarlais 6.14.21

 art is done in chalk pastels.


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