Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Goddess and The Moon: Hera/Juno



Fran's Technique


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

This is late for full moon but it was done then.  Due to life, a bad bad knee, and chronic pain in the butt computer, it is late.  The influence will yet be felt for this moon month, remember this:

The Lakota/Dakota. Ojibwe, Algonquin, Cree and many other tibes knew this moon to be the time when the strawberries ripened and they were abundant.  The Haidas also welcomed this moon for its flowers.  The Tlingit knew this moon as the moon of birthing in the Pacific West Coastal areas.  These tribes knew, as well, that it seemed that rains would follow both new moon and full moon.  They lived according to the seasons and what each moon was known for and named it that.  There were celebrations and dancing and ceremonies that happened each moon. 

The Goddess of June is Hera, also known as Juno.  She was the Greek goddess of marriage and women.  Marriages happened throughout the tribes and Greek world during this month because it always has favorable weather for such celebrations.  Greeks believed great luck would come of marriages during this month. 

Hera had a definite two sides to her.  She was Mother, Protector but was also known for her extreme jealousy and vindictiveness.  Because of her two sides, we have to guard ourselves well this Moon.

All of us, whether we admit it or not, or whether we are aware of it, or if we call it by more acceptable names, hold grudges.  It sits on our shoulder and has its say whether we voice it or act on it or not.  We think it and our thoughts go out into the ether and it moves it.  We will most likely find more and more reasons to be Hera’s dark side because we are drawn into more and more opportunities to do so.  This will be the month to, internally, let that go so we can nurture those that need or deserve our nurturing. 

Forgiveness is “an internal process of getting over your ill will for another” – Michael McCullough, social psychologist.  If your woundings were a “one of”, then it is useless to carry around the hard feelings.  Those hard feelings are taking up space that can be used positively.  Turn the wounding into a learning experience and thereby making it positive.  It is easy, you see, to not see our part in it.  But, it does take “two to tango”.  This is the time for us to look at old grudges and be honest about what you could have done differently.  Watch yourself carefully this moon.  You may find yourself trying to be a bit of a Jeckle and Hyde. 

Do things to use up extra energy that the psyche is using against others and you.  Spend some time looking for/at grudges you hold.  Look at the how, what, when, why of it all and discover the lesson.

©Carol Desjarlais 6.25.21


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