Thursday, January 13, 2022

Unique Soul




None of us think, act, feel or are, exactly like any other.  Our actions either prove or betray who we say we are.  Each of us is creative, have talents, learn and exhibit and comes from that uniqueness in our own special way.  We are matter and energy, we are soul and we are here to fulfil a purpose we can only guess at.  We make and act on decisions only we make.  We are physical body.  We are intellectually uniquely us.  We are heart and soul like no other.  We are not static beings and we change from one second to the other.  We march to our own heartbeats.  We fill and hold our own unique space before, now, and after all is said and done.

At each stage of life, we have become who we are and will continue until our last breath, and perhaps longer.  We are enough.  We matter.  We are beautifully a poem about to be written.  We are a painting that needs to be done.  We are a prayer and an answered prayer.  We are a strand of DNA that goes back to the beginnings of time down here on earth.  We are spirit.  Each of us has a little bit of Goddess and God within us.  That is who we are when the world is stripped away from us.

Be that! We are that holy.  

I warm up the page with a brayer and a stamp.  



I find a place to draw a face and use Portrait Pink to block it in.  


I used a charcoal pencil to darken the outline.  

I continue with the pink and use the charcoal outlining to my advantage.  I left a space for some journal writing.

A bit of glazing of bright turquoise and hot pink.  Some color is added to eyes and lips.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.13.21


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