Friday, January 21, 2022

Love Belongs To Me




What do we do when someone we love does not love us back?  What if you are lugging around some sorrow because… well, this is crucial… you seek validation and acceptance but are not valued or accepted for who you really are?  At some point, just be yourself.  You own your feelings, no one else does.  If you truly love, then simply love for love’s sake.  We all need people who care about us, nurture us, accept and acknowledge us; but, at what cost?

When we are reflecting love from a divine sate of being, you do not need that love to be returned.  You are loving for the love you have within  you.. it is not coming from a reflection from others.   This is tough because we have a basic human need of being cared about.  Do not seek outside validations.  Yes, yes, we all need a role model, someone we admire, and maybe love.  Yes, we need role models that teach us, inspire us, help us but they do not need to be idolized.

Our insecurities about our own self when we are insecure and seek validation.  The more you seek it, and do not receive it, the more you want it, the more it hurts that they don’t.  We give our power of love away to those who might not deserve it.  But, a truly divine Woman will know that love is for love itself, not for anyone else. 

Sometimes you just have to accept that no one owes you anything.   You get to know the pain and understand that the feeling of unloved means that you are desolate because, perhaps, we do not love ourselves.  If we do not love ourselves, we will always be needy for love (as we define it).  Love and its pain are universal.  Somehow, we have to tune more to the love inside us.  There are so many books and Ted Talks, etc., about loving oneself.  Take some time and set some boundaries around who deserves your divine love.  (Not to be all about romantic love, but the inner workings of neediness still reflects that we might not love ourselves.)

It takes courage and bravery to love, to be yourself and still love.  Once we get comfortable in our own skin, then we can be comfortable with the knowledge that not everyone is going to love us. 

We do need lasting, positive, significant others in our life.  To get this, we need to interact with others in a lasting, positive, significant way. 

Work hard on loving oneself.  Yes, learn that rose colored glasses are simply the positive ways we exude love because we are divine love within.  Divine Love within means that you have learned to love yourself first of all.

Be that!


I began this art journal page with  Crayola's Cream watercolor pens.   They are fabulous .  


I used them to scribble all over the page.    I set that aside and on another sheet, I dribbled orange acrylic and white gesso over the page. 

I used a brayer to get color on to the page, then a brush, then another brayering, then printed on it with paper toweling.

I tore my first scribble page into small shapes, and used them for this collage.  I drew a quick shape for head and shoulders and began collaging with gel medium.  I was careful when I gelled over the cream wtercolor page so that the color wuld not run. 

As I collaged I saw some interesting shapes that became a bird and some trees.

 I outlined with charcoal and used a small brush loaded with water, to set the charcoal so it is not so harsh.

 I, then worked on the face, using portrait pink, white, red ochre and pumpkin orange.

©Carol Desjarlais 2.21.22


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