Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Wolf and I Rise



 This moon is asking us to face our deepest feelings and fears.  It begs of us to be fierce protector and to nurture ourselves.  A wolf howls to stake her claim to territory and they do this during the coldest time of the year. 

Sometimes we need to take time to reflect on self.  Restrictions allow us this, again, this year.  When we reflect, we need to realize that every morning is a new beginning and not to drag yesterdays with us.  Look at Self through kind lenses, imagine what can come next.  Be inspired and grateful at the same time.  And, rest. 

Instead of mulling and stewing and allowing your EIW to berate and fuss with you, imagine negativity leaving every pore of your body;  begin with toes and work your way up your body.  It is much ike counting sheep and do it until you fall asleep. 

Colors of this moon are the bluer dark greens, navy and ice blues, silvers and blacks and whites.  Using these colors around you and putting these colors on your altar will help you clarify. 

Notice that life does feel like a challenge right now.  Be careful that it does not make you cold.  You have a pack.  Use them for their loyalty, nurturing, sustenance, until you are able to climb to the highest hill and howl.  Sometimes we need that pack in the background to cheerlead us on. 

Work on compassion, loyalty, independence, intelligence intuition and move towards that which you are passionate about.  Stand up, in this full moon for what and who you believe in.

Simple Shapes are all a page needs, sometimes.  I had a background I began to do the Wolf Moon on and changed my mind.  I used it for this.   I blocked in color and then got an idea for the wolf.  I cut it out of shiny silveryblue paper.  It was so much the same color as the backgrund I used some light turquoise and touched the edges. and hinted at a moon and detail on her face.


©Carol Desjarlais 2.18.22


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