Saturday, January 1, 2022

If You Listen




Today’s challenge is “If you can listen, you will hear me call!”


Strenua or Strenia was a Roman goddess of the new year, purification, and wellbeing. She is the fig leaf, honey, bay and palm, and youthfulness.  She is all about the rights and protection of the inner child.  Today is a good day for the burning of leaves, the making of sweet breads or rolls, and making something with dates.  


As I played with the thought and tried for the images, I made a promise to myself to really make sure every child I meet will get some affirmation. 

Make sure and play with your inner child today.  I started by using a black mixed media substrate 6” x 8” sheet.  I decided to just make marks, to zentangle, to simply play with shapes and marks.  I drew it in white gel pen.

Bit by bit, I started filling in shapes, making sure I made the busyness outside of the faces. 


Mark upon mark and I was engrossed and time flew, as it does when you sink into that creative space.


In the end, I love this piece.  I added the writing in a space I left open for such. ” If you listen, you can hear me.”   Listen and invite your inner child in and as you do so, then you are with the influences of Strenia.

Be sure and share, in the Facebook Group, your experiments with the challenge.  Inspire us.  

©Carol Desjarlais 1.1.22



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