Sunday, January 9, 2022

Defining “I Am”



“Who you really are is not lost.  You do not have to go find her.  You just have to remember.”Grit and Grace


An Impression

falling to my knees in cushioned drift

I seek to wonder at my willfulness

when that is not my most endearing quality

even characteristic of me

amidst clawing reality


battles and battlefields     won and lost

seceded trials and stoic traits

when is      enough enough

when did you surrender     when ever

was there a banner to wave     you did not

is this any less a march to war


within me lie      braver souls than I

done more heroic deeds    when was I

Joan of Arc or any goddess      saint or sinner

more worthy of being known

for what they are      deep

beneath crust of ice and slush and mush

a greening ground     waiting

patient upon patient      foot by foot

nothing more than been real


ice crystals    in crisp air    slap my face

make me look up and step aside

for I am worthy beyond my ken

beyond my ken

beyond my ken


I throw myself down leaden     still      flat out

then wave my arms in utter acceptance

there is more of me     than I know

make      of myself      sharp tracing

an impression     sunken in


a snow angel


©Carol Desjarlais 1.8.22




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