Friday, November 26, 2021

The Struggle Is Real




“Unquestionably we’re going to suffer a tsunami of mental health issues as a result of the pandemic.” – Richard Goodwin, neuroscientist

Some are lucky, some are in denial, but most, yes MOST of us will notice that our thinking is not sharp, our planning is poor, and our routines are all messed up. 

If you find you are tired more, if you are unmotivated, if you find you are moody, irritated easily, you are in pandemic burn out.  If you feel exhausted and have no real reason for it, you are in pandemic burn out.  If your memory is poor and you notice your attention span and concentration are poor, you are in burn out.  Loss of wanting to be creative is also burn out.

None of us are alone.  We are slowly beginning to be able to socialize, but with severe restrictions.  We are still wearing mask after these months/nearly years.  We still have to follow the yellow brick line (blue strips of movement in some box stores).  Everyone is feeling the same or denying that they feel the same.  Some of us have learned/relearned to go back to basics. 

Some, who had issues before the pandemic will notice that they are feeling more depressed.  Some are totally confused because changes keep being made about covid and its spread, the vax kinds and troubles, and gossip and armchair expert have to spin their take on it all.  We probably do not feel as strong as we were.  Some are no longer comfortable, never mind in their own skin.  There is an abiding feeling/sense that all is not right…and it is not.  Many are feeling feelings that they have not felt themselves feel before. 

We are angry, sad, cannot concentrate, cannot make decisions and we give up on things easily.  It has been a long haul of vulnerability.  It is hard to feel joy.  It is hard to cope.  Stress is a given and stress kills.

They say to exercise, but there is no joy to it and I procrastinate.  If you are gaining weight, it can be more than what you eat; stress, slower metabolism, etc.  We can avoid the news as much as possible.  (I quit when T-Dump was in it).  Only listen to the experts, not pseudo-experts. 

Look, this is not going to last forever.  Yes, the world has changed along with us and it will be a different normal.  We can keep our constant gratitude for things we do have (versus do not have).  We can find ways to enjoy time with our immediate family and a few good friends.  Have naps every day… it is more than allowed, it is healthy right now.  Find a new hobby. (Oh, I was out of my mind to start diamond painting). 

We are all in this together.  We can find ways to be each others’ cheerleaders.  Post as much positivity as you can.  Be warm and caring.  Try not to bite the head off of those who have no control over the restrictions.  (Yes, I know, but sometimes just the look of someone jibes at me).  Be patient.  If there is one thing we have been honing, it is patience.

Be patient with me.  Lol  And, yes… this is all a struggle and we are all struggling in some way.  xoxoxo

©Carol Desjarlais 11.26.21


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